Average ObamaCare price: $328 per month.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by wilburbear, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. piezoe


    Medicare maybe? But do the cost controls under medicare cause the rates to go up for everyone not under medicare?
    #171     Oct 7, 2013
  2. Lucrum


    Including the total REAL cost including subsidies to farmers plus the massive sums of dollars to fund the various bureaucracies? All paid for by the same consumer/tax payer.
    #172     Oct 7, 2013
  3. Lucrum


    Yet there is no change and little talk of any real change in the foreseeable future. Our government does not measure success in terms of measurable metrics. It measures "success" in terms of program's budgets. Obamacare like all other federal programs not working or not bearing measurable results will not be improved or struck down. It, like the rest, will simply be given larger and larger budgets.

    Nor do I, but ALL of them ARE inefficient wasteful and incompetent to one degree or another.
    #173     Oct 7, 2013
  4. dbphoenix


    That wasn't the question. But, be that as it may, are you campaigning for an end to agricultural subsidies? And the subsidies to the oil companies?
    #174     Oct 7, 2013
  5. Lucrum


    Considering TOTAL REAL cost, I believe it was or at least should have been the question.
    Both actually and have been for many years. Along with virtually all corporate welfare, most individual welfare, most foreign aid, congressional pensions...
    #175     Oct 7, 2013
  6. dbphoenix


    Best of luck to you. But beware the monkey's paw.
    #176     Oct 7, 2013
  7. clacy


    Where is the proof that these subsidies brought costs down? I'm not sure how a farmer making more because of a subsidy actually brings costs down? From my experience, when the government starts picking winners and losers, costs actually go up.
    #177     Oct 7, 2013
  8. The number of areas where government intervention has brought down costs is too high to catalog, even if you confine yourself to the US Federal Government.

    One off the top of my head is long-haul transportation costs -- the railroads (grants of right-of-way, eminent domain etc.) and the interstate highway system (funding nearly the whole thing, eminent domain again).

    Another is as insurer of last resort (Fannie, Freddie, and insuring nuclear power plants) brought down the cost of home-buying and electricity respectively. And the Fed's backstopping of the entire economy (another form of insurance) has kept the cost of capital at reasonable levels.

    To those who think boosting taxes and government spending never boosted the economy, see Revolution, Glorious. When the Commons got the [nearly unfettered] power to levy taxes, the English economy exploded, taking the rest of Europe with it. It also tied taxation directly to representation.
    #178     Oct 7, 2013
  9. Lucrum


    My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.

    --Thomas Jefferson
    #179     Oct 7, 2013
  10. bighog

    bighog Guest

    It is a exercise in futility to argue with anyone that votes republican. The latest real life example is the "tea party".

    How some persons see their own "reality" is something hard to take in.

    I feel sorry for the turkey at a dinner table of those folks, imagine if you will being sacrificed for that crowd of clowns.. BYE!! :p
    #180     Oct 7, 2013