Average ObamaCare price: $328 per month.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by wilburbear, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Lucrum


    I may be wrong but I thought congress had already exempted themselves from Obamacare.
    #41     Sep 26, 2013
  2. I suspect they have but, if the have not, before it gets in the way of the platinum plated plan they now have the will. They live in an alternate, priviledge universe and will let nothing intrude on that.

    #42     Sep 26, 2013
  3. We are finding out.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/hV-05TLiiLU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #43     Sep 26, 2013
  4. CET


    I believe Congress has a "cadillac" healthcare plan based on the Obamacare definition, and it would result in them paying about $5k more out of pocket than currently. They recently exempted themselves from the cadillac tax.
    #44     Sep 26, 2013
  5. NoDoji


    No, that's one of the common Obamacare myths the disease-care industry spreads via "grassroots bloggers who care about the common man".

    When the pieces of the healthcare law is presented to people in polls, the majority of people are in favor of them; when the poll asks people if they approve of Obamacare the majority doesn't. Another textbook example of how easily public opinion is controlled via demogoguery.

    Good weekend to all (and good health, too)!
    #45     Sep 27, 2013
  6. What does that matter? the bill isn't in pieces, it's the whole package that has to be considered. More importantly, it doesn't matter if "the people" like it or not, the majority would also like it if the fed govt (present and future taxpayers) bought them a house and cars, but that wouldn't be affordable (or right) would it? obamacare, like medicare is a fiscal mess and it will grow over time. 50 years ago defense spending was like half of the federal budget, now it is social programs including 'mandatory' entitlements, surely you can see at that rate these programs are unsustainable, obamacare adds to that mess. And it's unconstitutional, I don't give a f*** about cj roberts decision.
    #46     Sep 27, 2013
  7. Stok


    The guberments unfunded liabilities right now are at $70 TRILLION. The whole system is a train wreck with entitlements the new slavery for democrat votes. Add the fact the not ONE guberment run agency (post office, Amtrak, etc.) has EVER operated in the green is so ominous of obamacare taking over 1/6th of our economy. The USA is doomed beyond belief.
    #48     Sep 27, 2013
  8. Think slomo trainwreck. When the Soviet Union collapsed people just kept on working their jobs for the promise of being paid, similar things will happen in the US.

    I've always wondered what the maximum tax rate is, or the maximum Public Sector to Private Sector ratio can be before a culture collapses. We're beyond the fifty/fifty point currently, could actually be 60/40 really, this Affordable Health thingy is the last straw on the camel's back. We're heading into full-on communism but with an armed population. Not sure there would be a revolt what with everybody eating up the garbage spewing from the MSM right into their living rooms but otoh if we remain armed they can't take us away for interrogation and make us disappear so it all might be sort of cool. Sort of Cuba without the gestapo aspect... I saw this coming decades ago, that's why I quit the idea that working for a living and being productive was the way to go. With politicians like the world has in abundance nowadays workers are the most screwed people you'll find.. financial traders, well many never make it but it's a better path if you stay the course long enough to become consistent...
    #49     Sep 28, 2013
  9. Mercor


    For some reason people like the parts that they get free stuff and someone else pays for it.

    These same people also poll high on taxing anyone who makes more then they do...ie the rich.

    People like medicare, because it has virtually unlimited spending.
    Every Government program is successful and well received when resources are not an issue.
    #50     Sep 30, 2013