
Discussion in 'Trading' started by mattjclark, Aug 22, 2002.

  1. I think we'll be trading in a 2000-3000 point range for a long, long time (DOW 7600-10000). Nothing unusual going on.
    #11     Aug 22, 2002
  2. We all know that eventually gravity will take over the bearish rising wedge and drive it down.

    I have to admit that I am shocked at the price action. This mutha just won't go down......yet.

    What is really crazy is almost all the indicators point down...
    1.) really super duper overbought
    2.) put/call just keeps going lower along with the vix (no fear left)
    3.) lack of leadership
    4.) did i mention overbought?
    5.) complete and total lack of volume
    6.) big boys (aka: smart money) loading up on index puts
    7.) the little turd stocks rallying big time (CMGI, BLUE, ICGE, PALM, HAND, etc.)
    8.) talk of a bottom and a new bull market

    Yet we still climb higher. I think this is just the futures traders having fun while the senior traders are on vaction...but what the hell do i know??
    #12     Aug 22, 2002
  3. I'll be laughing when you eat those words.



    "real eyes see real lies"
    #13     Aug 22, 2002
  4. PKJR


    I think we will see SP go to at least below 900 perhps 850 within a month or so and I think we will see lower levels again..they will be revisited mark my words..
    #14     Aug 22, 2002
  5. lundy


    you cut me real deep just then, you cut me real deep darkhorse.

    you of all people who is continually trying to open your mind and tweak your thought processes.

    you are as close minded as they come.
    #15     Aug 22, 2002
  6. What is up with you guys? You seem to have gotten so used to shorting you won't see a long opportunity when it's in front of your nose :) I bet that's exactly how the bulls saw their expertise and felt about shorting in general up until the burst of the bubble :D
    Unless there's a war with Iraq or some other drain on the economy, ain't gonna see those lows again.
    Smart money loading up on puts? Time will tell how smart that is...
    ...haven't shorted a single stock this month yet, and my volume is about 200,000 (nonpenny) so far.
    Happy trading.
    #16     Aug 22, 2002
  7. Markets never go in a straight line.....
    #17     Aug 22, 2002
  8. silk


    The dow will have to retest dow 7500. NOT.

    Did the Nasdaq retest resistance at 5000. Nope.

    This is the same thing.

    The market was clearly at disequilibrium at 7500, thats why it spent a whopping day at those levels and has risen nearly every day since.

    In any event, this question is a little late. It was more relevant when dow was 8000 or 8200. The market is now up over 20% from the bottom, thus clearly no retest.
    #18     Aug 22, 2002

  9. What can I say, I'm an ogre.

    Ogres are like onions, they've got layers.


    p.s. Open minded does not mean unopinionated- it means willing to listen.
    #19     Aug 22, 2002
  10. Oh my god, now I am super bearish. What the hell are you smokin' anyway? Naz not re-testing 5000 is the same thing??

    #20     Aug 22, 2002