this is a great example of what none of us need here. i know nothing about this jack thread. experienced code talker or wannabe dips$%t, act like an adult, or go yahoo. maybe a strong policy statement, and a 3 strikes system would help here.
dawg, Mike has to be one of the biggest losers I've ever seen. You're trying to make sense out of something that has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. Mike has serious problems, but you're not going to fix anything by arguing with him. Just look at the history of his posts. g
Banning someone for attracting too much attention or not making sense seems kinda ridiculous. Personally, I don't know what all the ruckus is about since I've never read the thread in question. You see, I don't read any Jack Hershey threads. Also, anything written by people like Harry Trader, Murry T Turtle and a few others, I just scroll right by it. These people make no sense to me so I don't waste my time reading them. I could ignore them, but what's the point? I just skip right over the words, no big deal. But some people do like to read these words and that doesn't bother me, no matter how convoluted the message is. I think people should be able to decide for themselves what they want to read. I agree with ET's conduct guidelines and think that a lot of crap should be pulled. And continued abuse should get a user kicked out all together. But banning someone because they don't make sense and most people don't like them? I don't agree with that.
i thought jack's ideas were one notch above useless, personally, but that describes a lot of the content here, and it's subjective. foremost, we should get rid of insult and wasted space like your posts in this thread. thank you for the outstanding example. i know it may conflict with the subscription numbers that keep the advertisers here and keep the site running, but who wants to put good content up in a place where 1001 people like this guy can post shit like this?
When you turn on the lights, cockroaches scuttle. Let me put it this way. If ET were my site, I would not allow cult followings by people that did not know what they were talking about because _I_ could get in trouble with the SEC for running a board, some bozo who doesn't know the first thing about trading comes on spewing a bunch of crap, a bunch of more bozos go on a cult groupie crusade following the idiot, lose a large portion of their money and then complain (this is like sueing MCD or SBUX for making too hot coffee or making food that makes you fat, but it's the way the world works.) I never read a word of what any of these people write - it is blatanly obvious to me they don't know what they are talking about, and worse, they have UTLERIOR motives for spending 300 pages talking about crap. I do agree that there seems to be a double standard on ET. It it were me, I would have banned FPC, skrilla_manilla, long_shot, etc etc LONG AGO. nitro
...Of course can you have time when you are busy accumulating 5000 posts??????? ( Im kidding buddy, we can use a little laughter today)
I just want to know what ulterior motives they had but trying to learn. What was Jack selling? What are these ulterior motives you talk about. jc