I've just started to trade successfully with IB's BasketTrader. My worry is that my software will calculate a sell for a stock that I don't hold because I missed the buy. Then that sell order can get to my BasketTrader. Is there a field that I can fill in or a setting that I can make for BasketTrader to block an inadvertent short sale?
Wondering, how are you using the Basket trader. And why wouldnt one of the many ETF's be a better solution
I'm generating buy and sell signals for a number of stocks each day with Amibroker that get saved into a csv file which then gets converted into another csv file that is compatible with the BasketTrader
Would you be able to modify your software such that it first collects an overview of all your open positions at IB? Then you can use that to prevent selling a position which you don't have.
Yes, I'm sure that's possible to make software to detect your open trades, but it would be a lot easier if you could simply block short selling.
The BasketTrader will read a csv file and execute trades from it. It's a lot more accurate and convenient than entering the trades manually.