Beating Covid so fare w/o Lockdown... South Dakota

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. Bugenhagen


    Knowing who Jem actually is, every blustering Sr. Lebowski reply is pure comedy gold.
    #11     Apr 22, 2020
  2. Overnight


    #12     Apr 22, 2020
  3. Buy1Sell2


    Smithfield would have been open regardless of whether or not South Dakota locked down. South Dakota is doing this correctly.
    #13     Apr 23, 2020
  4. gwb-trading


    You are ignoring the community spread issue outside the Smithfield workplace -- which amounts to over 50% of the cases in the locality.
    #14     Apr 23, 2020
  5. Buy1Sell2


    South Dakota is in great shape. They are doing it right. Without vaccine, we must begin to develop herd immunity. Anyone agreeing that these lockdowns are acceptable is an anti-Constitutional, anti-American.
    #15     Apr 23, 2020
  6. Bugenhagen


    Which character in 1984 or similar distopian novel is B1S2?

    Perhaps from the movie Brazil ?

    He is an authoritarian with an an absurdist lean.

    "McCarthyism is calling a man a communist who is later proven to be one" Joe McCarthy
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
    #16     Apr 23, 2020
    Tony Stark likes this.
  7. jem


    ok you snarky low IQ Dnc talking points troll... you were the idiot who brought up a meat packing plant which would likely not have been closed because it is essential. That was fucking stupid.

    1. Tell us about the local community spread.
    2. Tell how a lockdown now for low risk groups is so much better for the community using statistics.

    go ahead douchebag using statistics tells us how lockdown of low risk groups has a better result.

    go read the prado paper for backgroud and then explain what the hell you know about low risk groups and transmission and why lockdown is preferred tat this point in time.
    bring out the stats to support you low IQ... low thought view.

    this is not about 1 data point like hospital beds or deaths from virus for all groups...

    its about everything... all consequences of lockdown vs low risk groups getting back to work.

    suicides, depression, economic destruction. you narrative spouters have such low IQs you don't think in systems...

    #17     Apr 23, 2020
  8. Buy1Sell2


    GWB and Boogerhaven are now heading to Total Block. ---Has to be done---
    #18     Apr 23, 2020
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  9. Cuddles


    listen fucking idiot, I didn't bring up the meat packing plant, GWB did. You were just too god damn stupid to get his point, that bumblefuck S. Dakota couldn't prevent spread in a high pop. density meat packing plant, destroying your point that S. Dakota somehow got their shit together. Like I said, too stupid for words.
    #19     Apr 23, 2020
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  10. jem


    gwb brought up meat packing...not I... I responded...
    then you wrote the quote below. .

    and now you got nothing when I asked for some useful thought from you.

    by the way... the governor... addressed social distancing in the article.

    “We already have cut our peak projections by 75 percent just putting in place the recommendations I asked people to do, staying at home and they’ve practiced social distancing,” she explained. “They’ve washed their hands and they stayed home if they weren’t feeling well and called their doctors. Just by doing that, we’ve cut the hospitalization rates by 75 percent. So, I’ve just been super proud of what the people in South Dakota have done—they recognized that I wasn’t going to dictate to them, that I valued their freedoms and liberties and that I was going to let them take action on behalf of their families and communities.”

    #20     Apr 23, 2020