Bernie Sanders’ biggest weakness is that he doesn’t understand economics

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Sotnis, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. I agree. Funny how the democratrs cheer when talking about breaking up the banks, but they never talk about breaking up the government.
    #11     Nov 17, 2015
  2. achilles28


    Well said.

    So why do you think America should have a massive Government? I get the proportionality argument? But is there anything more to that?
    #12     Nov 17, 2015
  3. we can cut from now till the cows come home and it will still be massive. It's like a software program that has been written over the years by many different programers and nobody can get a grip on the whole thing. Parts are obsolete, but can't be deleted because that will make something else disfunctioanal. So it's not the size, it's the complexity.
    #13     Nov 17, 2015
    piezoe likes this.
  4. That's the only economics Bernie "understands".
    #14     Nov 17, 2015
  5. piezoe


    I don't know if Bernie Sanders understands economics, but he sure does understand Wall Street. When you recommend that X be Bought because you want to Sell X , that's one thing. But when you recommend that X be bought because you want to Sell X knowing that X is a rotten investment while representing yourself has having the buyer's best interests in mind, that's fraud; that's Wall Street.
    #15     Nov 17, 2015
    Tsing Tao likes this.
  6. wheaties


    I think his failure to understand economics is his second biggest weakness. His biggest weakness is his failure to understand human nature. He has a genetic disorder that prevents him from understanding that I am not going to get up every morning and work a ten hour day so I can turn over my paycheck to the US government so that some other guy can have a better life. Bernie cannot even begin to grasp the logic behind why that will never happen. Like I send its genetic. A common disorder among liberals from what I understand.
    #16     Nov 18, 2015
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    One of your best posts.
    #18     Nov 23, 2015
  8. SunTrader


    No it isn't.

    Madison Avenue does it all the time. Advertise what is for sale.

    Then we have the freedom in a free market to buy ... or not.

    The onus is on the buyer to understand, evaluate and put a value (to them) on something.
    Then make a decision. Not the gubmint.
    #19     Nov 24, 2015
  9. piezoe


    #20     Nov 24, 2015