Best service for quick market news?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Risepoint1879, May 10, 2019.

  1. I got blindsided by Tariff news these past 3 days, and don't want it to happen again.

    What are people using to get important news alerts while it's hot? I'm not looking for every little event, but the important moments that happen once or twice a month that instantly move the markets.
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

  3. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I'm going to send you a PM.
  4. ZBZB


  5. ZBZB


    You can get a Reuter’s ikon terminal rebadged as xenith for $99 a month.
  6. ZBZB


    You could follow trumps twitter feed for nothing.
    bone and Risepoint1879 like this.
  7. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    My best guess is $100 to $300. Depends on what feeds you get. When was a MM, I traded on average about 12 symbols. There were times I did not find out until 9 pm why something happened until I paid for this service. Then I got a news live. It saved me a lot of money. I love the access to SEC filings too.
  8. Turveyd


    News creates too much worry, causes inaction, let your SL try although badly to handle when the market moves against you and let it run when it goes your way, not worth the hassle reading every line just incase, most of the time you'll think not important and market will still go crazy or it'll go the opposite way to what you expect.
  9. I will certainly let it run with the news, but in my case today, I saved a chunk of money by getting out of my shorts when the market reversed back up on the "constructive talk" news with China. I was lucky to see an article online, but if I knew earlier that's why it reversed I never would have gone short.
    #10     May 10, 2019