Best way to bet the VIX falls back to high 20's by end of November

Discussion in 'Options' started by seakraken, Oct 28, 2020.

  1. Let's set aside the discussion of whether VIX will actually fall in a month and focus on the best way of profiting from this theoretical drop in volatility.

    Would you prefer to get puts on VIX futures or calls on SVXY? And why?
    qlai likes this.
  2. Overnight


    If I remember anything about options correctly (which I don't), I'd sell a VIX call at 80 strike with DTE Q1 2021, or buy a VIX put at same strike for same expiry. If that is possible.
  3. Bump. Any other responses?
  4. tsznecki


    Why don't you just short VIX Dec futs? Or spread it, short Dec/long Jan.

    VIX futs are already pretty leveraged.
  5. vanzandt


    Up we go...
  6. Well this played out well, I was able to clear over $1.6 million dollars. As you can imagine, yesterday was a very stressful day for me. Took the day off today and going to relax.

    Thanks for the help guys!
  7. qlai


    What exactly did you do?
  8. Overnight


    He must have gone a short VIX route through selling the future or some option put deal, because VIX last I saw on the teevee was back in the high 20s today after being at like 38 on...Monday? Friday?
  9. qlai


    I just found it funny that he came to see what other people would recommend, and the next thing he posts 1.6M gain but no mention what he did.