Bill Hwang trial....

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by The_Krakenite, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. Well I don't know, I'm hearing rumors that the Bill Hwang shit-show trials may get put into epic proportions similar to the Milken/Boesky trails back in the 80s.

    Seems the banks that got fucked are also pointing fingers now with dirt and trying to out one another over the bag-holding and other shenanigans.

    As for our friend Bill, (who already has past criminal record for insider trading), here's a few of his recent list of current pending charges he has to over-come.

    • Racketeering
    • Conspiracy
    • Securities Fraud
    • WireFraud
    With his prior conviction down the market-manipulation path, I'm not so sure they'll go easy on him this time. Especially since he fucked over the 1%.

    Let me repeat that. He fucked over the 1%.


    Nobert likes this.
  2. Nobert


    Those who gave him the money, should be prosecuted as well, due the poor due dililgence.
    Or someone who adviced to go long into NKLA or Theranos.

    Man, Theranos would lure away the inspector with a model in a beautiful dress. Coffee brake, you see. The person that was supossed to confirm that the process is legit.

    Can't blame him tho.
  3. TheDawn


    They've got nothing on him, at most, maybe WireFraud if he lied to any of the lenders when borrowing money from them but that's about it. Rackteering, Conspiracy, Securities Fraud are jokes and are complete waste of courts' time and taxpayers' money. They are nothing but revenge charges and smokescreen trying to cover up those banks' imprudent lending practices. The only thing that Bill Hwang is guilty of is maybe reckless securities trading but that's not a crime and since he was trading in a family business and not handling other people's money, that's none of anybody's business. The guy just made a trading mistake of concentrating too much capital in one sector, overtrading. This happens to any of us from time to time.

    Now for those banks that lent Bill Hwang the people though, they are the ones who should be charged with negligence, and breach of fiduciary duties at least. How could they lend so much money to Hwang without doing due diligence? With so high of margin? The guy was trading at a 500:1 margin towards the end. How could he pile up so much margin?

    But of course we all know nothing is going to happen to those banks cuz they own all the regulatory agencies.
    newwurldmn likes this.
  4. ElCubano


    Den Of Theives
  5. I wouldn't bet on that. Considering agents actually showed up to literally arrest him and take him away. He was also going to spend that very night in jail, but managed to get the $100 million bail.

    Kind of a strong move for having 'nothing' on someone...

    Latest rumor is there are two insiders who are co-operating with the prosecution. Perhaps to save their own ass? I was wondering when that would happen. Boesky got his bargain after agreeing to use a wire against Milken. Same shit... Jordan Belford did the same as well to save his own ass as much as he could.

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022