Bitcoin’s price movement ‘looks very manufactured’ — Samson Mow

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Frederick Foresight, Feb 19, 2025 at 9:02 AM.

  1. maxinger


    Bitcoin’s price movement ‘looks very manufactured’ — Samson Mow


    Bitcoin’s price movement ‘looks very sideways’ — Max

    sideway movement can last for a few
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025 at 9:04 PM
    VicBee likes this.
  2. nitrene


    It reminds me of the gold bugs who perpetually claimed the big banks were suppressing the price of gold before QE came and skyrocketed Gold. I haven't heard that fable sine the early days of reading ZeroHedge.

    Interestingly the commentators on ZH were convinced hyperinflation was just around the corner. I remember a pretty good blogger I used to read Gonzalo Liro thought the same thing (I believe he was from Argentina so that makes sense).
  3. johnarb


    Bitcoin short term price moves are very difficult to predict, imho

    When there is a clear trend, I have put a trading position on perpetual futures, but personally, I haven't traded bitcoin perps for more than 2 months

    Anyway, imho, bitcoin is much better as a savings account, or if you want to invest in it, have a long term plan,

    Bitcoin is not a get rich quick asset

    I will make a semi short term prediction, though, based on all the fundamentals and macro environment,

    there is a 99.9988% probability that bitcoin will hit $200,000/btc before 12/31/2025 11:59 PM EST
    semperfrosty and NoahA like this.
  4. And you know this how? Based on what fundamentals? Bitcoin fundamentals? And, if so, what are they?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2025 at 9:43 AM
    johnarb likes this.
  5. johnarb


    There are lots and lots, i.e. corporation treasury adoption heating up, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds increasing their allocation, private companies, hnwi's, family offices, ria's, etc

    too many to mention

    Bookmark it, probability of 99.9988% of $200,000/btc before eoy 2025
    semperfrosty and NoahA like this.
  6. mute9003


    so let me just throw something out there.
    in the past how many times people called out something happening and were called conspiracy nutjobs. only for wallstreet boys to come out later in the videos and confirm that they were in fact doing what people suspected them of doing?

    remember how people said covid vaccines were killing people and how all the brainwashed sheep started yelling that they are all conspiracy theorists? well turns out they were correct since the data is now coming out to confirm that vaccines in fact caused those deaths.
    i personally know more than 10 people who died just days after getting the vaccines most in their 20s and 30s perfectly healthy before vaccine.

    are you all claiming that its impossible for multiple institutions to supress the price of something? seriously?
    semperfrosty and NoahA like this.
  8. mute9003


  9. He doesn't know if the price is going to go there or not.

    If you look at his posts on the Bitcoin thread he spams numbers like they mean anything.

    He is saying 200k today, but has been saying 300k for years.
    Frederick Foresight likes this.