bolter --- i have talked to and received price quotes from Reuters and Bloomberg for their service on a yearly basis, but Bloomberg has not yet answered one question for me from their technical support department for their datafeed --- maybe you can help me with my question if you are a current user of Bloomberg -- are you? thanks in advance
macro, I am a Bloomberg user. Happy to help out with any questions you may have. Post them here or PM me. bolter
I went to one of their seminars for futures and ya, there's no dedicated BB book to trade off of, BUT, quotes are fast and can be quoted from any major electronic contract. BUT, you need to call your bloom rep and ask him/her to clear you through your own individual broker, since it is not a true trading platform/broker. If you want to learn more type BTFI <GO>
Bloomberg is the standard by which all others could be measured. If you have a question, all you have to do is send a help ticket to their support desk, and they will shoot you a response. They have helped design custom macros, etc. Fantastic. If you are an information junkie, prepare for the crack of data.
I find this conversation kind of odd considering I pay $25/per month for my news service that is up to date real time to the second. In fact I don't even read the news, I just want the symbols and trade accordingly, News I read after I enter profitably for entertainment. Do you guys actually read over the news that you need such a pricey feed. My feed comes with the news as well but who reads that crap, bunch of gibberish. One look at the price and volume can tell me what the real big boys think of what was written.
bb isnt just about news, although that is probably what most elitetraders use it to scan for... bloomberg has a "plethora" of information, probably everything + everything you wont ever need on pretty much every instrument out there, globally. its sort of like looking through the microfiche in the library... so if u need some obscure data its probably in bb.