I apologize felichka, Andover and Carlin are competing firms. Carlin has an office located in Vegas and Andover has plans to open there (rumor). Seems Vegas will be a hotspot of trader activity for a while. the "dream team" are a group of bright traders. Can't we all just get along without the attacks Don?
Come on, lighten up...I am just having some fun here. I went over to the Carlin office and found that 7 of 8 traders are ex Bright traders who needed to be backed by them for a profit split with a higher cost (can't blame them for that) . And that is no big deal, I will be sending more people over to David and Dennis....I prefer to stay friendly with the "competition" - as I try to do with you. I take it as a personal mission to help keep the industry viable for all traders and firms....not just Bright Trading. There are differing business models, but it comes down to making and keeping successful traders. I think Andover may even open here by the end of Summer, great! Anyway, John...keep up the good work with your traders, and as in the past, we may all end up in the same place again (God knows, the way this business is consolidating). Good Luck!! Don
Look at you, you just like to stir it up- and I like that! You are right, let's keep it light and fewer attacks...
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Don Bright Hey, why is anyone concerned with calling echo anyway? Seriously, Echo is a new firm, and doesn't yet have the full resources enjoyed by our firm, so don't hold that against them. When they grow, they will hire some people to help out. They're doing the best they can.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well i couldn't let this one go.....i try to stay away from self promotion but this comment could not go ignored. Don is right about Jeff and Rob doing the best they can and i can tell you they are, imho, AWESOME. the reason they are so hard to get in touch with initially is because they are actually servicing their traders. they are on the phones from 8 am to 7 pm....i don't know how they do it. i've been with them for about a year and i have more respect for them now than when i first started. also, Gabrielle(who runs the administrative side of the business) is a trader's dream , not only is she always pleasant but she makes sure the job gets done!!!!! in a nutshell these guys have far exceeded my expectations. ps.......please forgive me if this sounds like an advertisement for echo but i got so mad after reading the above quote i had to respond.
Bryan- I couldn't agree more. Gabrielle was extremely helpful and pleasant when I was filling out my forms. And when it comes to software installs or problems...Rob is there in an instant...and will even do the whole thing for you. Before I went pro..I did my homework..I visited many offices..and talked to a lot of people...and the research paid off. I'm so happy with my choice that I even have the echo symbol as my computer wall paper. uptik2000 P.S. When I play golf with my old broker buddies they all wear their Morgan hats/shirts and I'm forced to wear my old Merrill stuff or my MB Trading shirt.....I sure wish I had an Echotrade golf shirt or hat.
Bryan, sometimes I really hate using posts instead of actually speaking with people. My quick note was meant in good faith, and I have IM Jonathan K. as well. Echo is growing, and we all work 60-80 hours per week, and my note was in support. It does take some time to get things going when you're relatively new. Heck, we didn't have a staff to answer phones for a 2 or 3 years after we started. Anyway, I wish everyone the best....and feel free to call if you think I am being irreverent! Thanks, Don
probably wouldn't go wrong with either one, choose the one that's nearest your home, get outta the house and trade professionally with other professionals.... Cheers...
limit- I agree. I just wish there was an office near me. Any capital district New York traders interested? Trading with this damn cat annoying me all day really sux.