Bush Explained

Discussion in 'Politics' started by marcD, Jul 29, 2003.

  1. Rearden,

    I think that essay has been cited before, but I just read it and found it pretty illuminating and thought-provoking.
    #41     Jul 31, 2003
  2. trdrmac



    Just finished the article, and it seems to confirm the inconsistency in the first post. America, with it's freedoms and opportunities is the envy of much of the world. And I think you could make many of the arguments he makes, in other parts of the world, if you replace "Arab Street".

    "The only contribution Arab nations make is oil."
    This presupposes that most Americans would do more than "turn on the well" each day if we were in the same boat. Most of us were just lucky to be born in America where a 12 hour day pays above average wages.

    I don't know that the De Beers Cartel is much better than OPEC when it comes to human rights issues and the sharing of the wealth with workers. Or the use of some diamond money to fund terrorism for that matter, just a hunch mind you. So maybe we need to invade some countries in Africa to show thems whats what.

    South America is a hot bed of terrorist activity. And perhaps one or two human rights issues. I would add that the importation of certain products has led to considerable instability in this country from both a security standpoint and a financial one. Are they next?

    The war in Afghanistan to me was the only solution that came to mind, then and now. However with Iraq it is not so cut and dry in my mind. There are quite a few things domestically that would make me feel safer than this leg of the war on terror.
    #42     Aug 1, 2003
  3. trdrmac, glad you took the time to read through that essay.
    I'm sure it bettered your understanding, at least to some extent.

    *****"The only contribution Arab nations make is oil."
    This presupposes that most Americans would do more than "turn on the well" each day if we were in the same boat. Most of us were just lucky to be born in America where a 12 hour day pays above average wages.*****

    Sure, I'd agree with you on that one.

    ***I don't know that the De Beers Cartel is much better than OPEC when it comes to human rights issues and the sharing of the wealth with workers. Or the use of some diamond money to fund terrorism for that matter, just a hunch mind you. ***

    Name one terrorist act against American civilians committed by African non-Muslims....or non-Muslims of any type for that matter.

    ***South America is a hot bed of terrorist activity. And perhaps one or two human rights issues. I would add that the importation of certain products has led to considerable instability in this country from both a security standpoint and a financial one. Are they next?***

    South American thugs are not attacking Americans, but rather providing us with a valuable and enjoyable product due to circumstances created by the Anti-Capitalistic, Anti-Freedom, American prohibitionist politicians.
    #43     Aug 1, 2003
  4. trdrmac


    #44     Aug 1, 2003
  5. "Name one terrorist act against American civilians committed by African non-Muslims....or non-Muslims of any type for that matter."

    Oklahoma City comes to mind, although I doubt that De Beers had much to do with that one.

    Sorry, forgot to put the word FORIEGN in that sentence....but that's what I meant.
    #45     Aug 1, 2003
  6. msfe


    Does this country have the moral authority to lead the world?

    by Stephen Gowans

    It claims to be conducting a war on terrorism against a network
    it helped create to fight proxy wars on its behalf (in Afghanistan and

    It says it must bring anthrax terrorists to justice, but has the
    largest stockpile of smallpox, anthrax, and other biological weapons.
    continues to experiment with new weaponized pathogens. It refuses to
    to measures to strengthen a biological weapons treaty. And there's
    evidence it has used biological weapons (in the Korean War.)

    It has called some its past adversaries empires, bent on world
    (the Soviet Union), but it has 200,000 soldiers permanently stationed
    dozens of countries around the globe. Its global military presence
    every year, encircling one of the few countries left to challenge its
    hegemony -- Russia.

    In one country alone (South Korea), which it has occupied for over five
    decades, it has 45,000 soldiers.

    The country's wars are always said to be fought for some high moral
    purpose: to stop ethnic cleansing, to prevent tyranny, to uphold
    international law, to defeat communist expansion, to root out
    but somehow, while this is being done, the country always seems, as
    Flynn once put it, to capture its enemies' markets while blundering
    their oil wells.

    It's always strapped for cash when it comes to social spending, health
    care and Social Security, but can find billions at the drop of a hat
    for a
    new weapons program.

    Its colossal military is more than two and half times larger than the
    militaries of the next nine largest potential adversaries combined
    (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Cuba.)

    Its military spending, combined with that of its allies (NATO, Japan,
    South Korea, Australia, Saudi Arabia), is five times greater than that
    the next nine largest potential adversaries together. Yet, it says,
    always under threat.

    In the last five decades, it has attacked no less than two dozen
    countries. In the last four years, it has bombed four countries
    (Afghanistan, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Iraq) one of them in two separate
    campaigns (Afghanistan), and one almost daily (Iraq.)

    Even though the raison d'tre of the major military alliance it leads
    (NATO) has vanished, the alliance is more robust than ever, and is

    It refuses to sign a treaty banning land mines.

    It refuses to sign the Kyoto Accords, limiting greenhouse gasses.

    It uses cluster bombs -- bombs consisting of dozens of tiny land
    bomblets -- which continue to kill, usually children, well after a war

    It has 30,000 tons of chemical weapons.

    It has the world's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. It refuses to
    sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

    It refuses to renounce the first strike use of nuclear weapons. It
    commit to refraining from using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear

    It is the only country to ever use nuclear weapons.

    It says it doesn't target civilians, but, in maintaining the world's
    largest arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, is prepared to kill
    civilians in countless numbers.

    In one major campaign lasting over ten years (Vietnam War), it carpet
    bombed three countries (North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), killing at
    three million civilians. A decade earlier, it carpet bombed North Korea
    thoroughly it ran out of targets to bomb.

    It issues ultimata to other countries (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan), and
    the ultimata are rejected, it says the other side refused to negotiate.
    When the other side begs to negotiate, it's bombed.

    It promotes the deception that a country can be bombed around the clock
    with only a few civilian casualties. It announces in advance of a
    campaign that some civilian deaths are inevitable, and then, when they
    occur, say they were accidental and unintended.

    It bombs civilian infrastructure -- water treatment facilities, power
    plants, dams, flood control systems, irrigation, water storage, pumping
    stations, sewage facilities, bridges, transportation facilities,
    petrochemical plants, fertilizer factories, auto-plants, as well as
    hospitals, schools, old folks homes, Red Cross buildings, and
    neighborhoods. After reducing its enemies to rubble, it imposes
    to hinder the rebuilding of all that was destroyed (Yugoslavia, Iraq),
    until a puppet regime is installed (Yugoslavia.)

    It enforces one sanctions regime (Iraq) that is estimated to have
    contributed to the deaths of 1.5 million civilians. One of the
    leaders (Madeleine Albright) said the deaths are "worth it."

    If it doesn't like another country's economic policies, it tars the
    leadership as tyrants and brutes, declares the country a dictatorship,
    raises concern about human rights violations (Yugoslavia, Belarus) and
    railroads the leaders into jail (Yugoslavia) or arranges to have them
    overthrown in a coup (Iran, Chile, Guatemala, Yugoslavia.)
    countries whose leaders are tyrants and brutes and who routinely
    human rights are called friends and allies if they have the right
    policies (Iran, Chile, Guatemala, Philippines, El Salvador, Haiti.)
    leaders don't go to jail (Pinochet.)

    It routinely intervenes in the elections of other countries, funding
    political parties, NGO's and media, but prohibits other countries from
    intervening in its own elections.

    It commits war crimes unrestrainedly, free from censure and
    because it controls the international body that establishes war crimes
    tribunals. It refuses to sign a treaty to establish a international
    criminal court that could prosecute war crimes free from its

    Its media is described as practicing "suck-up" journalism, afraid to be
    too critical of the country's leadership, for fear of being frozen out
    refused access to "news makers." The media regards itself as duty-bound
    patriotism to assist in the production and dissemination of propaganda
    times of war, a now permanent condition.

    The majority of its population consists of honest, humane,
    people, who are poles apart from the barbarous, sociopaths who run the
    country. They are kept in a fog as to what's being done in their name.
    they knew, they wouldn't stand for it for a moment. This, the
    knows, and so spends liberally on public relations to keep the
    pliable and in the dark.

    It has the largest prison population per capita in the world.

    In one of its largest states (California), it spends more on prisons

    The infant mortality rate in its capital is higher than that of a third
    world country it has blockaded economically for four decades (Cuba),
    whose politics it doesn't like.

    Criticism of the country's foreign policy is dealt with by assigning
    dismissive labels to the critics (anti-American, communists), threats
    legal sanction (charges of sedition), or threats of deportation (to
    The criticisms themselves are never addressed.

    The country forces the poor and wretched of the world to adopt austere
    economic policies that it, itself, would never adopt, for fear of
    ruin. The polices have the effect of intensifying the misery of the
    world's poor, while increasing the wealth of the country's business

    The country claims to have a free press, but only the wealthiest can
    the press. Not surprisingly, the press reflects the interests of the
    wealthy. It's said that anyone can become leader of the country, but
    those who can ingratiate themselves with the wealthiest citizens can
    the funds and backing to occupy the country's highest offices. The
    president, the cabinet, and most elected representatives, have either
    bought by, or are members of, the country's economic elite.

    The country's foreign policies have caused illimitable suffering
    throughout much of the world for decades. This has led to it being
    reviled over the greater part of the globe. Its leader (George W. Bush)
    can only reply, "I don't know why. We're doing such a good job."

    Mr. Steve Gowans is a writer and political activist who lives in

    America's list of terrorism


    American War Crimes

    #46     Aug 1, 2003
  7. Not true. We're actually pulling out of many of our bases and decreasing our military footprint abroad (especially in Germany, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia). And, yes, the USSR was bent on spreading soviet communism and proping up governments and military groups throughout eastern Europe, the Caribbean, SE Asia, etc. I agree with some of the points in the article, but you have to admit that much of it is just an effort to pile crap onto the anti-America case. At least be accurate AND insert your own thoughts on the matter once and awhile!:D
    #47     Aug 1, 2003
  8. msfe


    US Military Bases:
    the Spoils and Deceptions of War


    Donald Rumsfeld says the US does not want its troops in countries where they are not welcome. "You want to be someplace that people want us, you really do," he admitted in an interview. "We don't want to be places that we're not wanted. We simply don't."

    No word if the interviewer laughed or even scoffed. What Rumsfeld said is so deceptive that it transcends absurdity. He said the size of the US military force in the Gulf region would likely shrink now that the Iraqi military no longer poses a threat to its neighbors. "With the absence of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, the need for a US presence in the region would diminish rather than increase," he said. The US has troops in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.

    So, will the US simply yank up its tent stakes and go home?

    ctd - http://www.counterpunch.org/nimmo04282003.html
    #48     Aug 1, 2003
  9. trdrmac



    Thought I could slip that by you, but I figured you meant foreign. And to say against Americans specifically there is nothing that comes to mind.
    #49     Aug 1, 2003
  10. Does this country have the moral authority to lead the world?

    msfe posting on "moral authority" is an oxymoron. Like those little ground squirrels he hides under a rock and then comes out every once in a while, moons everybody, and then scurries back under the rock and tells himself he is making a great statement. LOL
    #50     Aug 1, 2003