Mavreick, you're a closed minded moron. You're not a maverick. You're chickenshit conformist. The world wouldn't miss you.
No, what you did was demonstrate your inability to articulate a thought without using an ad hominem attack. I feel sorry for you. Life must be one big struggle for you.
Rowenwood, not to be too harsh here, but if you think I care what a 135 lb, artist wannabe, liberal worshipping, socialist leaning, vegan eating, social misfit thinks about me, you are mistaken. Perhaps if I thought you had one ounce of character, one fiber of integrity and a few doses of self respect, then maybe I would care, but you do not. Such is life.
You accused me of an ad hominen attack and then you pose one yourself. Thanks for proving my point, which is, you're a hypocritical idiot, as are all god idiots. Well, who has integrity? Are you familiar with the proverb: Practice what you preach? The difference between my attacks at your character and your attacks at mine are, mine are all true, whereas you'll say anything no matter how inaccurate. I'm honest, you're a liar. Maverick74:"artist wannabe, liberal worshipping, socialist leaning" and "you had one ounce of character, one fiber of integrity and a few doses of self respect". I don't doubt that you're proud of yourself, many people incapable of logic are, deluded. You're so deluded that you probably don't even question yourself. You've a fascist nationalist type mentality. You're antiquated, update your media gleaned persona and try something new. Try to live up to your name Maverick74 which is in actuality your reciprocal. Is this the articulation that you're looking for. Did I really need to spell it out for you because you're too closed minded to think for yourself. Have you ever had an original thought? Are you a control freak. Do you realize that all those petty thoughts in your head were created by other <a href="">people</a> which mean that you're a mimicker. Have you ever noticed how children learn, they mimick each other and adults. I presume you're a grown a man, so act like one you emotionally immature infantile narrow minded hypocrit. If you had any idea how ugly your mind is and how great I'm.
What the hell are you talking about? God idiot? What is that? You know nothing about me. You haven't argued one thing that I said with anything of substantiated fact. My attack on you was not an ad hominem attack. Are you not 135 lbs? Are you not a vegan? Are you not a liberal? Are you not socialist leaning? If all these things are true, they cannot be an attack. I was simply pointing out what you are. You know nothing of my politics, my spiritual beliefs, my background, nothing. Yet you pretend that you have read a book on me. I know what you are because you have spilled your life and your beliefs all over ET. I think you need to get a grip. You are clearly a very frustrated individual. If you want to attack me, at least make it a substantive attack. Don't resort to character assassination.
I'm not of socialist leaning, I'm not vegan, I'm not a wannabee artist, I don't define myself as a liberal, I'm not for peace. The only accurate statement aboutme is that I weigh 133 pounds which is infantile and feeble attempt at hurting my feelings. I posted my personal info becuase I'm not a coward that wants to hide behind an electronic persona. I find the option of an electronic persona to be pathetic in ways. I've read some of your posts, and they have given me an understanding of you. I don't like you, and now that we've had this, my thoughts of you as being a narrow minded coward are reinforced.
Rowenwood, you still have not made one statement about me outside of an attack. You haven't stated one issue you disagree with me about. All you do is cry out I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, like a little child. But you haven't said anything. That's what is so funny. And yes, you are very liberal, I belive you are a vegetarian, not a vegan, my bad, you are socialist leaning, you have stated it on many threads. Notice the key word leaning here. You want society to be more progressively social. You also said you are an artist. I stand by everything I said about you. But you have not said one thing about me except name calling. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Wah, wah, wah. That's all you do man. I can see the tears running down your cheeks as you respond to my posts. You are so out of control. I don't care if you attack my ideas. Just do it already. But you are too afraid to step up to the plate. Instead you just hint at things you disagree with me. You are too afraid to discuss them. I would call you a coward but that would be an insult to all cowards out there. LOL.