Bush is gonna win

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. I've already proven that you're a hypocrite, and a hypocite is a liar which means that everything you've every written is contemptible, and because you continue to lie, I have no reason to continue a debate with you. I now consider you beaten, you've self-destructed. Whether you admit your defeat or not, I don't care. Everyone that reads this thread will understand. Do you so much as admit that you've contradicted yourself? I don't think you've enough courage to admit your flaws.

    And I restate:

    I'm not of socialist leaning, I'm not vegan or a vegetarian, I'm not a wannabee artist, I don't define myself as a liberal, I'm not for peace. The only accurate statement about me is that I weigh 133 pounds and stating that info in attempt to hurt my feelings is an infantile and feeble thing to do, you meany.
    #21     Mar 4, 2004
  2. I am not shouting at the rain, as you say.

    But then again, I guess you agree with the way that the Bush Administration has shamelessly "stonewalled" the 911 commission.

    Furthermore, National Security Adviser, Condoleeza Rice is a total embarassment to our Country, and that isn't just because I graduated from CAL, and she from Stanford.


    #22     Mar 5, 2004
  3. Maverick74


    OK Rowenwood, here are some of your quotes from other threads.

    "I'm probably not delusional because of my acceptance to that school, and because my art is really good. There is a possibility that I won't become famous or rich, but the odds are on my side. I'd say that if I continue in the arts, there is but a matter of time until my success is universally recognized."

    "I'm a 27 yr old semi-reclusive artist that has had a great amount of success in the arts. Not only do I feel godly or supernatural when I write, but also when I create and present my art."

    "My career as an artist is in its infancy. Last year I was offered a place to study at what is regarded as the best art school in the world, Goldsmiths College of the University of London."

    "I weigh 132 pounds"

    "A socialistic type of capitalism is in the future because of man's dispicable breeding habits and irresponsibilty towards maintaining our precious resource, earth."

    "But capitalism is so much more dangerous than communisn and nazism because it is so natural and seems right."

    "my belief is that capitalism is more dangerous than communism and nazism combined (and if 150,000,000 were multiplied by four to represent the dead) because capitalism awry, which is mass pollution, starves millions, infuriates millions to war, and has the possibilties of lasting in this illogical manner for centuries more, and then ending when the environment collapses killing us all."

    "Becuase in a short time frame capitalism provides the highest lquality of living- we all stuff our orifices until they are obese and consume on average 8 trees per year- the irrovacable environmental damage that capitalism has created and is creating, and in the long run, such as the next millenium, make capitalism arguably the worst system in history."

    I rest my case, be done and be gone now.
    #23     Mar 5, 2004
  4. Maverick74


    Waggie, government is corrupt. You and I both know this. That means Bush, that means Clinton, yes that even means Reagan. This is why I will always seek to limit the power of government, to make government smaller. This is all I can hope for. Blaming Bush for everything will get you no where. They are all to blame. You are smarter then this Waggie.
    #24     Mar 5, 2004
  5. These paraphrasings are consistent with your deceitful behavior.

    What is your argument?

    You've misunderstood my writings because they aren't in your scope of analization.

    You're too narrow minded to correctly pigeon hole me,

    and you're too falsely proud to admit this to yourself.
    #25     Mar 5, 2004
  6. Maverick74


    Buddy, these statements just contradicted everything you said before. You now have no credibility.
    #26     Mar 5, 2004
  7. DO I have to go through each one of those quotes and explain the meanings of them to you?

    Your inability to understand new ideas confirms my theory that you're narrow minded. But I'd guess that this insn't touche because people like you don't have the honor to admit fault.
    #27     Mar 5, 2004
  8. Maverick74


    Dude, you say you weigh 133 lbs. What other meaning can that have? You say you are an artist. What other meaning can that have? Will you please get a f*cking clue. Your statements are not ambiguous in any way. They are very clear and to the point. Why do you continue to act like they are some kind of riddle that one understands. My god kid, grow up.
    #28     Mar 5, 2004
  9. The only thing you got correct was my weight. A point which I already congratulated you on, and which is the only thing you wrote about me that is true.

    You called me a wannabee artist which obviously isn't true. Not only have I posted a poem on this site, but being accepted at Goldsmiths is no little feat. They accept 55 students per year which means that wannabee artists aren't accepted.

    I could go on and on about Gold but I won't becuase I'm bored with you. Would you like to call an armistice until next time?

    #29     Mar 5, 2004
  10. Maverick74


    How many pieces of art have you sold? Anyone can call themselves an artist. Hell, I can say that my posts on ET qualify as poetry. If you have sold art legitimately, then fine, you are an artist. Otherwise you are no different then those on ET that claim they are professional traders but have yet to see a profit. See, the difference between a professional and an amateur is a professional gets paid for his work, an amateur does not.
    #30     Mar 5, 2004