Buy what’s Ridiculed. Sell what’s Self-evident

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Sekiyo, Jul 4, 2020.

  1. Sekiyo


    What kind of key words should we look for ?
    murray t turtle and Atikon like this.
  2. It's the usual formula for authoritative-sounding nonsense: take an existing idea - preferably one that is well-known in a given field but not outside of it - and attach a false analogy that somehow kinda-sorta seems to support your point. Thus, the "two loops model" (which is nothing more than a statement of change over time made to sound All Scientifical And Stuff) is used as an analog to Bitcoin (which - ready for this? - will "subvert the existing paradigm" and "supplant the dominant system".) Throw in some more narrow "shocking wisdom" of the above sort - "distributed networks are better than hierarchical systems", "alternative/modern is better than existing/old", etc. - and you have appeal to the younger crowd... which is more than ready to buy into anything that promises "revolutionary thinking" and, of course, easy money.

    Same old, same old. There's one born every minute.
    Fx-Game, Atikon, d08 and 3 others like this.
  3. %%
    Look for words/trends larger than '' two'' ;
    of course if your word two refers to two years/decades=fine.
    Sekiyo likes this.
  4. I love articles and videos that not only give you some data, but also make you think and start to navigate the market more. In fact, working in the market is why it is so popular and in demand, because here you can always find information that will change your view of the market and make you look at the familiar situation from a completely different perspective. And this is really cool, because the strategies that I used a couple of years ago, now do not suit me at all. And now I am using the approaches that I used to think were not effective at all. That's it, everything changes, and the market, and your preferences. So, the more you know, the more likely it is that you will be able to navigate well in the current events.
  5. maxinger


    Buy what’s Ridiculed. Sell what’s Self-evident


    Buy when there is up signal.
    Buy when there is reversal up signal.

    Sell when there is down signal.
    Sell when there is reversal down signal.

    And don't miss the first signal.
    Because next signal carries higher risk.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. %%
    SURE can;
    dont miss evening sheet work like the PitBull said. If you missed 2020 signals; 2023 has some.
    M Masters, Marlinfund uses business cards. Good+ sloppy, sheets work well also.:D:D
    Sekiyo likes this.
  7. %%
    SELL/exit market/LOL SPXL @$94.9602/last 15 minutes FRI. Good uptrend :caution::caution: