Can the FED print some CrudeOil?

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by countryBoy641, May 4, 2021.

  1. I don't think so.
    Stuff breaking out all over the place.
    Kind of like 1982, but in reverse.

  2. If they could they most certainly would lol. I'm going on record right here and now and saying within the next two years we will have at least 15% annual inflation kick in, even after their baking, fudging and straight up lying about the numbers...
    countryBoy641 likes this.
  3. That's in the region of my estimate for real inflation, 10-15% per annum for the next couple years

  4. S2007S


    No matter what the real inflation rate is the fed will continously scream and pretend it's just a simple 2%!!!!!!!
  5. Or maybe they can print some corn.
    This isn't about Gamestop, some kids goosing the Naked Shorts.
    This will be about whether people can afford to eat.
    (ya know, the small stuff not counted in the CPI)
    "It's too volatile"

    Last edited: May 4, 2021
  6. Overnight


    I hear you can do a lot with 3D printers these days.
    fredfrazier likes this.
  7. SunTrader


    But if prices get too high might have to eat the printer. What then? :)
  8. Yeah, that's kind of what I'm thinking.

    Peter Schiff weighs in ...

    "Oh what a tangled web we weave,
    when first we practice to deceive
    Sir Walter Scott
  9. Positive divergence on the monthly and quarterly, DBA versus $SPX.
    AGs leading the charge.

  10. Popular AGs versus the $SPX, past 8 months.
    $SPX being the laggard.
    What inflation??

    AGs vs SPX.jpg
    #10     May 7, 2021