Can you plz share your most profitable strategy trading options

Discussion in 'Options' started by sukhen, Sep 19, 2020.

  1. newwurldmn


    You guys have had bad experiences with marriage, which is sad because even with the option of divorce, the cost of getting it wrong is huge.

    I will say that I am lucky to have my wife. Not only is she a great partner, she has contributed greatly to my financial net worth with her advice and support.
    #31     Sep 24, 2020
    Flynrider, beginner66, sukhen and 2 others like this.
  2. xandman


    So, you sold her the option and her volatility came in lower than expected.
    #32     Sep 25, 2020
    Nobert likes this.
  3. Spreads are better than naked positions in general.
    However - Sell .25delta puts on stocks you would own. About 6 weeks out appears to be the ideal time frame.
    Covered Calls are functionally equivalent to naked puts in outcome, so look for the one with better price setup re: bid/ask spread, open interest (high is better). Selling puts places money in your account (and margin locks it), but CC's takes money out.

    Advice is: learn to make slow, steady money on CC's with more predictable blue-chips.
    Selling options generates high percentage returns, so don't leverage up.
    Assymetric outcomes can be catastrophic, so learn to hedge if you go big.
    Stay away from the FAANG's and other high-flyers like TSLA: the smart money will crush you. It is THEIR playground, not yours.
    #33     Sep 27, 2020
    sukhen likes this.
  4. Besides LONG naked put options way out during high ^vix, there's something here long strangle/straddle during events with normal ^vix. upload_2022-8-31_19-38-5.png
    #34     Aug 31, 2022
  5. In other words, you're an inexperienced idiot. If I recall, basically the only options strategy that TD Ameritrade lets inexperienced idiots do is selling puts and selling covered calls. Get good at that before trying any other strategy.
    #35     Sep 1, 2022