Cathie Wood is the face of the Nasdaq implosion

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Innervoice, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. Innervoice


    Cathie Wood is the face of the nasdaq implosion. She is clueless. She is buying companies with very high valuations all the down and even buying companies who don’t make any money. You don’t do that in a bear market. She is clearly in trouble.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. She didn't need to be. If she had any sense she would disappear from all media until the Fed starts pumping the markets again.

    But she cant help herself, likes the sound of her own voice a bit too much, enjoys spouting all those buzzwords "Disruptive Innovation" "Explosive Growth" "Genomic Revolution" ...
    apdxyk, Cuddles, Sekiyo and 2 others like this.
  3. RedDuke


    Cathy wood is doing just fine, she is a millionaire. Her investors on the other hand, not doing so well.
    Lou Friedman and Sekiyo like this.
  4. Specterx


    This. Whether she really believes her narratives, or is merely a very good and very cynical bullshitter, she hit on the magic formula. Being an uber-permabull fully invested in the most speculative fad assets is like owning a free option: when the Fed lifts the markets you become rich and famous, when they tighten you can blame "adverse market conditions" and virtue-signal about how Powell is trying to throw racial minorities and women out of work.

    Of course, you only need to get rich once.
    Clubber Lang and RedDuke like this.
  5. Nobert


    At this point in time the valuations makes so much sense, that even a chimp with darts could be elevated into celeb status.
    Really. If the pro boyz only wanted.
    And the regular folk on street would buy it.

    ,,-Hey John, how is it going man ? Still all in into those golden chimp picks ?
    -Yup. Still all in. Still lucky. Mark, i tell you, that chimp, must be really special"
  6. schizo


    Oh, didn't ya hear? She holds a lot of them Fed puts.
  7. GotherL


    She got lucky with the TSLA prediction and bull rally when she started her fund. Time has proven she is no different than one of those clueless gurus on social media. (Stock Moe, Meet Kevin, Chris Sain etc.)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2022
  8. MrMuppet


    Cathie Woods is the master of timing. She set up her fund during the last couple of months of the bull market and convinced everyone that valuations are still low.

    She made a truckload of money off of fees...which is the job of a fund manager.

    A couple of monkeys complaining about the ARKK implosion? You set up a bull - fund at the highs and a bear fund at the lows, that's how you collect AUM. And collecting AUM is the name of the game
    zdreg, Cuddles and AKUMATOTENSHI like this.
  9. Pekelo


    Nope, the job description is to make profit for investors. The fees are just the pay off.
  10. I am not a fan of her but I can't imagine there is any portfolio of stocks that she could buy for the ARK Autonomous Tech. & Robotics ETF that has done well the past year.

    She can't just turn it into an inverse fund and short tech.
    She can't hold a 50/50 mix of General Mills and Kelloggs in the ARK Space Exploration & Innovation ETF.
    #10     Oct 13, 2022