Chat-GPT 4 is coming (new version)

Discussion in 'App Development' started by TrAndy2022, Jan 22, 2023.

    (autotranslated into english)

    ChatGPT: Expectations for GPT-4 "complete bullshit" - according to OpenAI founder
    The future belongs to the AI chatbot ChatGPT. Fans expect a lot from the new GPT-4 voice protocol. Now, however, OpenAI boss Sam Altmann is curbing expectations.

    By Andreas Wake

    ChatGPT is based on an old language model called GPT-3. This is another reason why fans of the popular AI chatbot often argue that the sensational artificial intelligence (AI) is still far below its actual potential. The potential that would come with the next version GPT-4, which is in the starting blocks, is groundbreaking.

    Rumors about GPT-4 "complete bullshit"
    While many observers can hardly contain their great expectations, the OpenAI boss Sam Altmann himself is now slowing them down quite a bit. "People are just begging to be disappointed, and they will be," Altman told Strictly VC .

    In the interview, he says that users would almost expect OpenAI to launch at least one "Artificial General Intelligence" - an artificial general intelligence that really understands every task. Sam Altman says that is unrealistic and it is not at all clear when this will be achieved and whether the line should then be drawn.

    He also rejects claims that are regularly circulating on the Internet about what GPT-4 is supposed to be able to do as “complete bullshit”. For example, Stictly VC puts in a viral graphic claiming that the new language model will have 100 trillion parameters, which would be a multiple of GPT-3, which has 175 billion parameters.

    more on the subject
    ChatGPT has great potential
    Not only the technology, but also the finances are an issue. However, Sam Altmann is covered when asked about the income. It is “not much” because you are “still at the very beginning”. In addition to the free version of the AI chatbot ChatGPT, OpenAI is currently also rolling out a paid version for USD 42 a month, as the first screenshots on the internet show .

    However, the potential of ChatGPT as an affiliate program is also great. Also because of this, Microsoft is one of the main investors in OpenAI. The AI chatbot is to be integrated into the in -house cloud service Azure and the Bing search engine in the coming months . Important synergies develop for Microsoft and OpenAI.

    For the search engine group Google, the latter project even means extreme uproar. The ChatGPT connection with Bing could pose the first existential threat to Google . In fact, the fear is so great that CEO Sundar Pichai recently brought founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin back to the table .
    777 likes this.
  2. Sprout


    Beyond the hype, is an Ai search engine based on google's Flan model. No way google isn't in the pole position. They might have been front-run on the marketing by chatGPT.

    Phind is really good, it also references twitter timelines and youtube transcripts.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
    MACD, MattZ and TrAndy2022 like this.
  3. Sprout


  4. Well, I asked Chatgpt:
    What is the optimal options trading strategy for a bear market?
    and it gave me this beginner drivel I could have gotten from an Etrade webinar:

    During a bear market, when the overall trend of the market is downward, a common options trading strategy is to sell call options, or options that give the buyer the right to purchase an asset at a specific price on or before a certain date. This strategy, known as a "short call," can generate income for the seller as the price of the underlying asset is expected to decrease. Another strategy is using put options, which gives the holder the right to sell an underlying asset at a certain price on or before a certain date. This strategy, known as a "long put" can be used to hedge against losses on a stock position that the trader expects to decrease in value.

    Another strategy is bear call spread, which involves selling a call option at a higher strike price and buying a call option at a lower strike price. This strategy is a limited profit and limited loss trade, and it's used when the trader expects the underlying stock to decrease in value.

    It's important to keep in mind that these are advanced strategies and require a good understanding of options trading and the underlying market conditions. It's always important to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

    I especially like how these simple trades are called advanced strats.
  5. Snuskpelle


    To poke the bot into giving a more intelligent answer it sometimes help to point out how the answer you first got (which is often shallow to put it kindly) is wrong. It will then often follow up with a better suggestion, especially if asked to.

    That said, I doubt it will output anything with an edge, so questions like that one you gave will not accomplish anything. But it is able to implement code for algos based on papers it has seen in the training period (up to 2021), which can then be adapted further. Still, it tends to leave (sometimes subtle) bugs in the code so everything must be hand checked.
    Nobert likes this.
  6. Sprout


    There are different ways to ask. The answers are as good as the questions;

    speaking like an expert in advance options trading strategies what are some unconventional strategies that are short gamma?

    Unconventional short gamma options trading strategies are those that involve selling options with the expectation that the underlying asset's volatility will decrease, resulting in a decrease in the option's price. These strategies can be complex and risky, so it is important to understand the potential risks and rewards before attempting to implement them. Some examples include:

    1. Short Straddle: This strategy involves selling both a call and a put option at the same strike price and expiration date. The trader is betting that the underlying asset will remain close to the strike price and that the options will expire worthless.

    2. Short Strangle: This strategy involves selling both a call option and a put option at different strike prices, but with the same expiration date. The trader is betting that the underlying asset will remain within a certain range, and that the options will expire worthless.

    3. Short Butterfly: This strategy involves selling a call option and a put option at a strike price and buying two call options or put options at a higher and a lower strike price with the same expiration date. The trader is betting that the underlying asset will remain close to the strike price and that the options will expire worthless.

    4. Short Iron Butterfly: This strategy is a combination of a short call spread and a short put spread. It is used when the trader expects the underlying stock to remain stable or trade in a narrow range.

    5. Short Iron Condor: This strategy is a combination of a short call spread and a short put spread with the same expiration date. It is a limited risk, non-directional options strategy that is designed to have a large probability of earning a small limited profit when the underlying stock is perceived to have low volatility.
    It's important to note that these strategies can be complex and risky and it is important to understand the potential risks and rewards before attempting to implement them. It is also important to consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
    RantaMin and birdman like this.
  7. Sprout


    speaking like an expert in advance options trading strategies what are some 0dte unconventional strategies that are short gamma and long vanna and delta neutral?

    "0-dte" (or "zero days to expiration") unconventional short gamma options trading strategies that are delta neutral and long vanna are those that involve selling options with the expectation that the underlying asset's volatility will decrease and the option will expire worthless before its expiration date, while also being delta neutral, meaning the portfolio's value is not affected by small changes in the underlying asset's price and long vanna, meaning the portfolio's value will increase as volatility increases. These strategies can be complex and risky, so it is important to understand the potential risks and rewards before attempting to implement them.

    Some examples include:

    1. Long Vanna Straddle: This strategy involves buying both a call and a put option at the same strike price and expiration date, with the goal of profiting from an increase in volatility. The trader would be delta neutral, as the long call and put offset each other in terms of delta.

    2. Long Vanna Strangle: This strategy involves buying both a call option and a put option at different strike prices, but with the same expiration date. The trader is betting that volatility will increase and the options will be worth more before they expire. The trader would be delta neutral as the long call and put offset each other in terms of delta.

    3. Long Vanna Butterfly: This strategy involves buying a call option and a put option at a strike price and selling two call options or put options at a higher and a lower strike price with the same expiration date. The trader is betting that volatility will increase and the options will be worth more before they expire. The trader would be delta neutral as the long call and put offset each other in terms of delta

    4. Long Condor: This strategy is a combination of a long call spread and a long put spread and is used when the trader expects the underlying stock to remain stable or trade in a narrow range. The strategy is delta neutral as the long and short options offset each other in terms of delta.
    It's important to note that these strategies can be complex and risky and it is important to understand the potential risks and rewards before attempting to implement them. It is also important to consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

    ChatGPT Jan 9 Version.
  8. Sprout


    Create a dichotomous key of advanced options strategies to use as a checklist for current market conditions that are 0dte, short gamma, long vanna and delta neutral

    Dichotomous Key for Advanced Options Strategies:

    1. Are you looking for a 0dte strategy? a. Yes: Consider a "cash-secured put" strategy, where you sell a put option and simultaneously set aside cash to buy the underlying asset if the option is exercised. b. No: Go to question 2.

    2. Are you looking for a short gamma strategy? a. Yes: Consider a "short straddle" or "short strangle" strategy, where you sell both a call and a put option with the same strike price and expiration date. b. No: Go to question 3.

    3. Are you looking for a long vanna strategy? a. Yes: Consider a "long butterfly" or "long condor" strategy, where you buy and sell two call or put options at different strike prices, and sell a third option at an even higher or lower strike price. b. No: Go to question 4.

    4. Are you looking for a delta neutral strategy? a. Yes: Consider a "long calendar spread" or "long diagonal spread" strategy, where you buy a longer-term option and sell a shorter-term option at the same strike price. b. No: None of the above strategies match your criteria.
    Note: These are just a few examples of advanced options strategies and it is important to understand the risks and rewards before implementing any strategy. It is recommended to consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
  9. schizo


    As an investor, only thing that matters is this:

    Is OpenAI able to crush Google?
    Nobert, MarkBrown and MattZ like this.
  10. Nobert


    None of the monopolies lasted for ever.

    They could even start their own phone line, exclusively with openAI in it, separate from Google store.
    Children market/disabled people/teaching third countries of whatever, virtual teachers like, teaching militias war tactics, weapons usage.
    Sky is the limit.

    Huawei would be the least to worry by then (?)

    ,,How likely it is, that google will buy out all of the openA.I startups, at - once ?"
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
    #10     Jan 22, 2023