college is a waste of money

Discussion in 'Economics' started by zdreg, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. zdreg


  2. "Education" was free back in the USSR.Why the bullshit should cost anything?
    tomorton likes this.
  3. zdreg


    unlike America I doubt that education was bullshit in the USSR or was it?
  4. I think it was comparable.Some say in the USSR it was better, but to me it was still a BS.Especially the History, even as a kid i felt them trying to pee in our ears.Besides all that propaganda and story telling nonsense the education was solid.
  5. tomorton


    All of the content of my education was irrelevant to working in a job. I couldn't object to this as until I finished school at 18 I had no idea what jobs I would / would not wish to go for. So naturally school was boring.

    But later I thought this was actually part of the training for working in the real world - can you endure some mind-numbing nonsense and keep turning up on time for years on end, carrying out irrelevant tasks for some stupid older person with no reason or object and no reward?

    In that context, my education was the perfect induction training for work.
    spindr0 and ElCubano like this.
  6. At 18? I went to school at 6 and finished at 16.We had 10 years system.
    murray t turtle and zdreg like this.
  7. fwiw, i always feel empathy to the teachers at school.imagine trying to convince bunch of the new fresh immaculate free spirits in some bollox they dont give a damn about.
  8. zdreg


    College in the US for many students are an extension of high school. they shouldn't be in college at all. a lot of them are in college because it allows their family to continue to receive increased welfare/dole checks,
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. tomorton


    I'm in the UK. Started at 5. We had the option of an extra 2 years at 16 if you had good exam results. You could do the 2 years at your own school or at a college but entrance to college or university in order to undergo higher education to degree level was only possible from 18.
  10. zdreg


    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
    #10     Mar 11, 2018
    comagnum likes this.