Corona: State of Emergency and soon even Martial Law in Europe

Discussion in 'Politics' started by thecoder, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. thecoder


  2. thecoder


  3. thecoder


  4. wrbtrader


  5. So Europe has to bring out the army and declare martial law to control Covid yet somehow Trump is doing a bad job???

    Gotta love the fake news media
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. gwb-trading


    And yet the current level of infection, cases per capita, and nearly all the other figures are lower in European countries than the U.S. --- this simply shows that the Trump administration in the U.S. is not taking COVID seriously and a dismal winter is ahead of us.
  7. userque


    I guess many think like trump and don't understand the concept of taking action before shit gets fubar.

    They see a country taking aggressive action, and compare that with our country, then summarily conclude: "LOOK. THEY HAVE TO TAKE ACTION!! THEY MUST BE WORSE THAN WE ARE!! BECAUSE WE ARE DOING ANYTHING!!"
    virtusa and Ricter like this.
  8. Wallet


    Don’t worry, as soon as the Harris/Biden administration is sworn in, we’ll have martial law to combat the Covid and ensure participation in the vaccine.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  9. %%
    Interesting they seem obsessed /hate the idea he seldom wears a mask;
    but how often do you see fake news media wearing a mas?????. In fairness they do try to mask the truth so /they consider that balance???????LOL:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  10. You mean like shutting down travel from China early and then get called a racist by the Dems and media?

    Probably should have done what Cuomo and DeBlasio did and tell everyone to keep riding the subways and become the epicenter of Covid in the U.S. and then have the media praise you for doing such a great job!
    #10     Oct 25, 2020
    traderob likes this.