Critical Race Fiction; students fight back

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. Cuddles


    nothing you say is Marxism is Marxism at all
    #11     Jan 30, 2022
    Bugenhagen likes this.

  2. yeah.. to this day I have not seen any board of education approve any curriculum that belittles and demeans kids on the basis of race... I have seen GOP use vague language to ban any teaching of history based on race...and now go after books....

    VA governor set up a hotline so parents can tell on teachers when the lesson offends them.... so if a teacher discusses MLK or the Tulsa Riot.... a fucktard karen can complain that their precious little Tiffany or Chad felt belittled learning about history.

    Youngkin won by claiming to get rid of CRT based education in VA and every single county or board of education gladly admitted that CRT was not being taught in VA so that dog whistle got him elected pretty easily...
    #12     Jan 30, 2022
    Cuddles and Bugenhagen like this.
  3. Cuddles


    One of GWB's newfound heroes:

    #13     Jan 31, 2022
  4. So even if the material just mentions race..... it should be censored because.... whities in FL...

    But we do not want any white people to learn about civil rights movements.... that would demean them I guess...

    Professor J. Michael Butler was set to deliver a lecture to teachers of the Osceola County School District last week. The lecture, called The Long Civil Rights Movement posits that the civil rights movement wasn't limited to the 50s and 60s, but began decades earlier and may still not be over.

    Just a day after the Judiciary Committee of Florida's GOP-led House of Representatives approved the Stop WOKE Act, Butler's lecture was unceremoniously canceled. The reason? Concerns that Butler's presentation would amount to critical race theory, according to Butler's Twitter thread on the matter.

    Butler's lecture doesn't contain any elements of critical race theory, but that doesn't matter under the Stop WOKE Act. The bill doesn't even mention "critical race theory" by name, but the press release from Governor DeSantis' office announcing his support for the bill uses the phrase 15 times.

    One of the bill's most sinister aspects is that illegal topics expand far more broadly than critical race theory, instead banning any teachings that cause an individual to feel "discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress" in regards to race. It's the latest instance of the anti-snowflake crowd believing any amount of discomfort for white people is the denial of freedom.

    Poor Karens and Kens dont want Chad and Tiffany learning about Civil rights movements and when brown people were water hosed and hung from trees
    #14     Jan 31, 2022
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  5. Cuddles


    Snowflakes need daddy big gov to carve out a safe space for them.

    The dumb rubes need a semblance of a legislative win so big corp/GOP throws them a pyrrhic victory bone to munch on by sowing division while they get economic legislation done. It gives them the illusion they're participating in democracy and winning the political fight.
    #15     Jan 31, 2022
  6. You spin me around, like a record:

    But hey, maybe the double-down will work. If new low Presidential approval ratings are the goal, that is.

    Want to cuddle, yet?
    #16     Jan 31, 2022
  7. Cuddles


    #17     Oct 15, 2022
  8. If someone is a fan of Critical Theory then it is hardly an insult to say it is a Marxist philosophy.
    A fan of Critical Theory is obviously a fan of Marx and Hegel.
    #18     Oct 15, 2022
  9. Cuddles


    parents fighting back the fighting back:

    #19     Jun 4, 2023
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  10. Cuddles


    which is exactly what happened.
    #20     Jun 4, 2023