Decent Brokers during High Market Volatility

Discussion in 'Forex Brokers' started by sccz97, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. I understood the only bank really supporting the price was Bear Stearns? Is that wrong?
    #21     Apr 12, 2005
  2. Peter35


    Oanda is very good
    #22     Apr 12, 2005
  3. 168


    you got that right .
    #23     Apr 12, 2005
  4. IB problem, if you had upgraded your system, then I'm sorry.
    IB TWS server is not up 24 hours. There's some [maintenance hours] depends on US, European or HongKong server you chose to connect. This is fatal to deal forex market obviously.
    #24     Apr 16, 2005
  5. Frege


    Can't find anything on FXTrade.NET om Google. Strange.
    #25     Feb 18, 2006
  6. not strange... they r a scam...
    #26     Feb 18, 2006
    #27     Feb 18, 2006

  8. Above you seem to be testing interbankfx, but bellow:

    "either I've been a victim of some serious individual pricing or ibfx really isnt worth looking as. On most days when volatility gets to a certain level the spreads go wild. eurodollar freq goes from 2 pips to 8 pips. Admittedly I sometime take advantage of the slow feed they have but to continually push the quote against me 1 pip each second for half a minute is out of order. I can show you the graphs stored on my machine to prove it. As this didn't scare me out of closing the position, they promptyl increased the spread to 12 pips at which point i looked for the first chance to close out flat. I must say howver that this doesn't happen to most clients but please bear in mind that if a broker is willing to do this to one client, then none of you are safe".

    and again:

    "Here's a snapshot of the offending chart. I have friends using ibfx as well and their charts look totally different to mine. And the fixed spreads promise is garbage. eur spread regularly blows up htroughout the day and almost always now around figures. Imho, ibfx is a fine so long as you trade only a few times a day, holding positions for at least a few hours. That way you're unlikely to be worried about the odd pip here and there."

    So you have account with them or are you testing them??
    #28     Feb 20, 2006
  9. james_r

    james_r are fraud and are not able to pay their clients,
    even lose clients info including balance:
    Reply to money withdrawal

    "Thank you for your email - unfortunately we no longer have access to old FX accounts including yours...

    Philip Nieuwoudt
    Office: +27 11 881 5837
    Fax: +27 11 881 5611
    Mobile: +27 82 440 4618"

    You will not be able to trade in volatile markets with them - they will just pocket your money, as their web site says:

    Anti Scalping Regulation

    The low-spread policy and hedging technology used by are unable to eliminate effectively all risks of trading strategies known as "scalping". Taking into consideration this fact does not
    provide its services to traders using such strategies.
    All trades get send to the INTERBANK - If clients make misuse of our low spread and use it to make profit only on the spread reserve the right to cancel all profits that was not cleared by the INTERBANK.

    #29     Feb 20, 2006
  10. sccz97


    #30     Feb 20, 2006