Decimal calculations in trading systems

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by thstart, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. thstart


    I am doing research about which trading systems are using Decimal calculations?

    Seems to me the difference between Double and Decimal is not widely known.
  2. Well, if you were actually in the "doing" phase rather than in the "just thought about it and should do some" phase, then you would have found plenty of discussions on the topic.

    Start here:

    Happy research.
  3. thstart


    My original question was about trading systems not programming languages.

    >I am doing research about which trading systems are using Decimal calculations?

    Before posting this question I searched first on the forum about similar discussion. But what I found was a technical discussion about C#, C++, VB implementation.
  4. thstart


    By trading system I mean a trading software platform.