Courtesy of richtrader, E6E4F19CBAAA - 10% off all optiplex desktops and dell precision workstations -- expires 7/9/03. I've already used one so I won't be needing this.
checkout Dell uses coupons to lure you in. With the $50 rebate from Compaq - my PC came with a larger HD (80 vs 40) and faster memory 400mhz vs 333mhz PRICED for $35.00 less. I even applied a 10% customer loyalty coupon with the DELL. 2.4Mhz 512K, 333 or 400mhz XP home no monitor w/ base graphics 16 DVD ROM and 48X RDRW CD 40 or 80, 7200rpm drive (Dell warranty is 3 yr vs 1 yr on Compaq. I doubt either PC will ever require warranty svc. 99% of failures occur within the first weeks of use.)
Just got this for 5% off $999 You can use it with other coupons, so enjoy: A08E71EF404D It's a one person only coupon, so first come first served.
This coupon code entitles buyer to a 10% discount on Dell notebooks. It expires 07/25. BF641109536D Enjoy.
I'm looking to buy a new LCD monitor this week (trading must be going well *knock on wood*)... ...if anyone has a useable Dell coupon code, please PM or post. Much appreciated!...
dell small business has 25% off 17", 18", and 20" lcd, looks like a nice deal. i do'nt have any experience w/ dell lcd though. jmi
Yep, saw that. Though its usually possible to get better deals as people often use their special coupons in addition to regular discounts.
What was your coupon number for ? I am looking at getting a new laptop. Any number would be apreciated Thanks