because they spend their entire lives at work. this basically strips them of any individuality, or character. this, in turn, causes the need to express themselves -- to fill a gap in their emotional being. it also gives them an excuse for working so hard. they can look at their purchases and say that they earned it by working that hard. all of this is beautifully gift-wrapped by our government, which knows that if you keep people in debt from consumption, you keep them working -- a government which would be devasted if the majority of americans didn't work for 90% of their lives.
You forgot that they need to drive 'lil Johnny to his soccer game too ... If not mistaken, one reason Ford has decided to quit making the Excursion (which was bigger than the Expedition ... which was bigger than the 'lil old Explorer), is that the damn things didn't fit in some garages.
dumb idea. this is not walmart boycotting one of their supplier. a few people now filling up today will fill up the next day. nothing will be effected. heres the deal: GWB has a hydrogen car program that put tons of gov money into fuel cell research. in another word, break hydrogens off octane molecules. what kind of dumb f**k would do that isntead of using hydrogen fuel directly? that's one of his policies to enrich his oil buddies.
haha... i drive a 97 honda civic dx. if i get avg of 35mpg over 45k i've driven on this 2nd hand car. if i drive 60mph on the freeway consistently, i can get closer to 40mpg. when i see people sitting in their SUV alone commuting to work, i like to step out and punch them in the face. why do kids like trucks? its a uselss piece of junk unless you're hauling something at least 1/4 of the time. it has leaf springs, dated back to the model T, too much weight.
lol, just this year BART in the bay area was connected to san francisco international airport. the thing was there for a few decades before this ingenious step was taken. why wasn't it done before (and why is the railway stop short of LAX)? money. it just wasn't fiscally feasible until now (for BART). the federal government just doesn't allocate it to local governments that need public projects like this. why is that you ask? there are people who think government subsidies and grants like this won't work. even when these projects are completed, there is absolutely no enticing on the government's part to use new forms of transportation....instead they spend a billion dollars making commercials about how weed is going to destroy your kids.
And on that note we all seen the news last week, Exxon just surpassed GE as the largest multinational Corp. Was it an extra 10 billion in revenues due to hiked oil prices? Note that the cost to produce out of the ground remained the same or fell due to Iraq's oilfields control Give it some time to hit 50 hehe, the rest of the sisters will clinch the 7 top spots. With that kind of windfalls you can VERY EASILY buy errrr... influence errr.... lobby errrr.... ahhh got it, campaign contribute to the same gov't that resulted in your profits. Not bad, not bad at all.
Just to clarify my point. This is completely illogical. It does not and cannot hurt the oil companies for a day. The gas is already sold. The oil was sold in the pits months and years ago, sold at drill head months and weeks ago, sold at the refinery weeks ago, sold to the gas station days ago. You not buying today and waiting to buy tommorow only hurts the Quicky Mart guy because he cant get you for a Super Big Gulp while you are filling up. I dont want to have to explain this to you self-hating left wingers again. FWIW, I think the highs in crude where hit Sunday night. Best, Mike