Does Trickle-Down Economics Actually Work?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Frederick Foresight, Apr 18, 2021.

    DiceAreCast likes this.
  2. newwurldmn


    -Rich Uncle Pennybags
  3. Fantastic contribution to inform of the truth and facts.

    However, the content should have rid itself off any politics. If it was such a political issue the how come that Biden is moving ahead at snail speed regarding changes to the estate tax? I don't see him passionately removing each and every loophole for the rich, estate tax code included.

    There are economic principles and truths but I see neither party espousing those and really living by those, because neither trickle down nor spending oneself out of a recession ever solved any problems.

    longandshort likes this.
  4. 777


    It works for the wealthy!

    (Not for regular people waiting for an efficient trickle)
  5. How do you clssify "work"?
  6. Does it work for whom? That's the real question.
  7. VicBee


    Trickle down growth was a tightly crafted marketing message backed by now thoroughly debunked economic theory and used to justify cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy.

    It's like guns don't kill, people do of the same era.

    These were days of developing but easily controlled media messages meant to be simple and logical hooks. Since there was little feedback loop to quickly question the message and mount effective counter arguments, these marketing tactics were very effective.
    piezoe and destriero like this.
  8. destriero


    Reagan + Laffer = tripling of the Debt in two terms.

    Brownback + Laffer = took the Kansas economy from 7th to 47th in the Nation.

    Trump + GOP Tax Cut and Jobs Act = $650B added to the deficit per year in perpetuity.
  9. piezoe


    For an excellent, well reasoned, thorough and scholarly criticism of "trickle down economics" see John Quiggin, "Zombie Economics".

    John Quiggin is an Australian economist, a Professor at the University of Queensland. He was formerly an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and Federation Fellow and a Member of the Board of the Climate Change Authority of the Australian Government.Wikipedia

    Cuddles and Frederick Foresight like this.
    #10     Apr 19, 2021