Echo Trade, one of the best firms out there

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by donaldduck3419, Apr 22, 2003.

  1. 2points


    you better hope that incredible light that you have there will stop those quotes from freezing when this market turns around. you haven't had a problem because we are dead...
    #11     Apr 23, 2003

  2. ouch....:confused: :(
    #12     Apr 23, 2003
  3. whats the amount of light the office has, got to do with the platform?????
    #13     Apr 23, 2003
  4. tomf



    normally I wouldn't care to reply on such a biased thread but I've just been out and had a few beers so I hope you won't care if I give my 0.02cents.
    Beyond any doubt Echo provides a good "climate" for traders, they have structure and professionalism as foundation. But (I speak of 1 year experience of trading with them) they carry out ideas from traders, etc. on a very slow basis. Let me give an example...
    I offered them to make their new website... I was told "we have something going". Look what they have now... every professional website designer would close his eyes (I made GreenTree's). My offering was one year ago!!!. Same for a chat for internal traders.... we have something going ... I know that they don't have anything yet.
    This market environement demands that every company offers its traders everything possible to achieve his goals. Every trader has it's own strategy, style and way of trading this market. So it's the company's duty to help him with this effort. This is just something Echo doesn't provide at all or lacks behind other companies. Hence my conclusion is that they don't offer the responsiveness a company should have in this business whereas they would have a solid company foundation as basement. So, my opinion is... If you want an "old settled" company with solid foundation, Echo is definitely an option .. but as soon as you want to be treated as real customer and want your ideas to be fulfilled (which is essential in this market environment) better look twice before you pick your choice
    #14     Apr 23, 2003
  5. meko


    I am considering Echotrade as a Platform for trading Equity Options. Does anybody have any experience using them for Options. Are there other firms anyone would recommend?
    #15     Apr 24, 2003
  6. although i don't use echotrader2 i have heard it is an excellent platform for equity options. i think the are some ex-floor guys in the san fran office that use the platform extensively for options. give'em a call.
    #16     Apr 24, 2003
  7. dgabreil


    How has the merger affected Echo's remote traders? Have you remotes noticed any downgrade in connection, service, speed, etc.?

    What are the fees now? The old website mentioned a $200/month fee. Is that still the same? Are bullets still available? If so, at what cost and in what size lots minimum?

    The new website doesn't list "Sterling" as one of it's trading platforms. It has stuff like EchoPro and such. Is Sterling still among them?

    What is this about paying for the "better" software? What software/platform are you referring to?

    Overall, do you remotes still feel the same about Echo, do you feel better, or do you feel worse since the merger?
    #17     Apr 30, 2003
  8. tomf


    ECHOPro = Sterling
    #18     Apr 30, 2003
  9. Although I don't trade with these guys, I may decide to create a back-up account with em... I have several online buddies who are very satisified with Echo...
    #19     Apr 30, 2003
  10. Im curious who made the website. A kid?

    #20     Apr 30, 2003