Exchanges "temporarily" not available on IB??

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by gmst, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. gmst


    So, from time to time I see a red blinking alert come up on my TWS saying things like

    ONE not available for trading
    ONE is again available for trading
    CBOT not available for trading etc.

    Do these outages are IB specific in the sense that they represent problems in IB's connections with these exchanges and these exchanges are working fine with other brokers


    is it an exchange wide problem and all other brokers would experience this?
  2. Bob111


  3. gmst


    Thanks for the link Bob!

    But such outages at least on IB side are not rare - I have not kept track but I will guess that on a weekly basis at least that red alert blinks 5-15 times, so we are talking of at least 1-2 outages per day on average at least on the IB side, if not the exchange side. Thats why I asked if this is an IB connectivity to exchange problem or is it an exchange wide problem.
  4. gmst


    An example...just got this as a red flashing alert

    Interactive Brokers Bulletin Board

    To CBOT traders:
    Mon Sep 30 11:43:23 2013 EST
    CBOT is once again available for trading.
  5. Bob111


    hmm..i don't have it(but i don't trade CBOT either)
  6. gmst


    I also don't trade CBOT....but I have products trading on CBOT enabled in my account. Is it that you don't have products trading on CBOT enabled in your account?

    Because I always thought that these red flashing alerts are for everyone. Now you say you didn't receive this makes me wonder!!!!
  7. Bob111


    speaking of IB. tried to check the status-classic!
  8. gmst


    hehe :D
    :D :p