Explaining the USO ETF

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by thyrus, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. thyrus


    I bought 500 shares at $4 and am wondering how long can I hold onto it? I know the next 6 weeks are going to be really bad but I'm also wondering as an ETF, how does it behave in regards to money invested? Is it something I hold onto and ride out past June Futures expiration or does it automatically liquidate if it goes to 0?
  2. SanMiguel


    thyrus likes this.
  3. never2old


    @thyrus, its anyone's guess, next 30 days will reveal itself, just hope that the ETF doesnt get closed.

    IMO short term drop below $3 (see pre-maket), let the May oil contract futures expire, then see what June contracts settle in at ... from there, who knows.

    Although consider bailing or take a small loss or maybe a 'set' hold for 30 days see if it comes back.

    hindsight 20/20 I posted on the other thread a vertical ITM spread would likely be smaller cash loss or a minimum 20% gain 30 days in the right direction. A thought for future trades.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  4. Nobert


    Why does an Oil ETF, have T Bills in it's holdings ? Some weird arb/hedge with 1.44% :D ? A hidden deal with FED ?


    (disclaimer : my knowledge is very limited, when it comes to ETF's , - never touch them)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  5. thyrus


    If you look at storage capacity and tanker information that is readily available, this is clearly something that will be fine once demand goes up just a little. US Shale production was never profitable at these low prices and they needed to stop producing a while back.

    it's all about the demand from when people start driving to work again, which will happen before the end of summer, but the panic is related to the futures contract expiration from alot of clueless traders as opposed to actual OIL.

    Still, I don't want to be held hostage by a bunch of people ready to panic, so I might just cut losses in the 3's this week.
    never2old likes this.
  6. never2old


    ^^ that exactly, keep calm & carry on
  7. never2old


    too small to think about, more detail in the ETFdb link


    FWIW, on USO, based on historical performance, it doesn't appear to be a long term hold, even 3-5 years
    Nobert likes this.
  8. SanMiguel


    So what is? Another ETF, just futures?
    The uso roll date in May will cause problems also
  9. never2old


    @SanMiguel, at this time, any suggestions on how to trade USO?