Fears grow in North Carolina as ultra-extreme Republican eyes governor’s mansion

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, May 5, 2023.

  1. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark



    #31     May 28, 2024
  2. smallfil


    GWB, that is the least of your worries. Your idol, Joe Biden being in charge of the nuclear codes and having his fingers on the nuclear button--that is what you should worry about. At a minimum, Joe Biden and his fellow war mongers across the aisle will probably, get World War 3 with Russia. To think, so many traitor Democrat and RINO politicians allowed massive cheating on US elections to happen during our lifetime. Just so, they can put in their puppet, Joe Biden in power. Elections have consequences and massive election fraud guarantees the full destruction of the US.
    #32     May 28, 2024
  3. gwb-trading


    #33     May 28, 2024
  4. That undernourished guy 'smallfil' says in the above post that Biden would start WW3 , but this is what his Messiah is saying behind closed doors.

    Trump stuns donors with behind-closed-doors rant about bombing Russia and China: report


    Former President Donald Trump told a recent group of donors at a fundraising event that he would have bombed Russia and China in response to their aggression against U.S. allies, reported The Washington Post on Tuesday.

    "Oftentimes, his comments at the events are about foreign policy and topics he discusses at rallies, such as inflation and immigration. For example, at one event, he suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan, surprising some of the donors," reported Josh Dawsey.

    The former president routinely claims that Russia and China would be cowed into submission with himself in office, and even claimed — with the Russian government promptly denying it — that Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, currently held in Russia on dubious espionage charges, would be released promptly if he is elected.

    According to the report, Trump has also often asked donors to give large amounts of money while explicitly pledging policies that would help them make some of that money back, including a fresh round of tax cuts.

    "Trump sometimes makes requests higher than his team expects to receive, sometimes surprising his own advisers because he is asking for so much money," noted the report.
    #34     May 28, 2024