made a rookie mistake: break out of a big trading range but i did not book as i should have. but i added at the bottom and have placed the exit at 5461... 1500 usd my top step target and limit for the day.
I think Brooks states that in Chapter One of Reading Price Charts. Good onya @padutrader Don't listen to the Haters. When you're a Billionaire like Brooks they all be eating humble Pie. I've actually managed to summarize about four Chapters of Brooks now. With time the Mind and Body can adapt to anything, including Brooks writings.
i agree with you 1000% which is why i have always scalped. i may not have enough in account but i have lot in my head after trying to scalp and failing miserably for 20 twenty years. out on a wing and a prayer. God is with me
you are right Dr. Brooks. and 100% of break outs from trading ranges fail. and 80% of these failures again fail which turns into a break out pull back trade i like the word 'ultimately'. stating the obvious and failures fail. Preempting the good Dr a bit there. presumptuous me !
You're a fucking liar. After we spoke on the phone 3 years ago, you proceeded to bash my advice. And now you are posting that you are agreeing with me? You are going to have your account WIPED CLEAN by swing-trading futures. I look forward to it, because you flip the bird at risk. Fuck you padu. I will revel in your failure.