no it is easier volatility is so high in American markets that what overnight says becomes true: you can't swing trade with my balance
TARGET REACHED FIRST TIME IN 20 YYEARS OF TRADING . PRFITR sorry i do not know how to spell profit but you may get the idea
Babu... don't ever forget this... markets are the exact opposite of golf. --->Real winners ignore the short game....
damn right. now i can do both but i do not like scalping....commissions kill you when the market does not. i tried the short game for decades. i suck in it in golf and trading. only plus was i learnt about the market, so much that the market, can never ever shake me out of my swing position. i only exited my position because of my prop firms' rules [idiotic]. i have nothing to do for rest of the day, apart from cursing my prop firm
Concentrate only on the 20% then.... I don't do much swing trades cept 60 minute bars, which require change of trend and retrace breakout keeping risk below 10 points, otherwise pass on trade if risk is higher. Long term trading commodities add-ons can be considered entry of swing but entry on a Bollinger band and hedging with options. System does many trades a year, most automated, many slight profit trades, where system losses is stagnation after enter and exiting after 5 days, lose on both sides.