... I know the Simpsons. The reference to the StoneCutters was an obvious reference to the Freemasons. If you are interested in this kind of stuff, my friend lent me a cool little book called Conspiranoia, which is like an encyclopedia of conspiracies. It's amazing to see how the Freemasons link to Bill Clinton, who links to George W. Bush (former golf buddies), who links to the Skull and Bones, who links to the Bilderbergers, who links to the Moonies cult, who links to the Washington Post, who links to the CIA, who links to the assassination of Kennedy, which links to the Roswell incident, which links back to..... ME. Muuuahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!
Skull and Bones not only control the entire planet earth, but have inroads into alien civilizations as well. And we have been getting warnings. If you disagree, I defy anyone to tell me that he has not thought at one time: "Harrytrader is like from another planet or something"