Five Biggest Border Lies Debunked

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Frederick Foresight, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Atlantic


    to / too ... :rolleyes:

    (magatard or russian ?)
    #31     Jan 30, 2024
  2. Mercor


    You are prissy
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
    #32     Jan 30, 2024
  3. gwb-trading


    Even the right-wing think tank, the Cato Institute, says claims Biden has an "open borders" policy are "unhinged from reality." Nor are claims that Biden can solve the border problem with "executive orders" true. It needs funding and policy changes passed by Congress to fix the problem.

    Biden’s Border Policy Is Not “Open Borders”
    #33     Jan 30, 2024
  4. gwb-trading


    Let's check-in with how "God's Convoy" is doing.

    The 'God's army' convoy traveling to Texas to stop migrants has seen a vehicle get lost, tires slashed, and someone stranded on the highway: report
    #34     Jan 31, 2024
  5. gwb-trading


    House Republicans Are Promising to Blow Up Border Deal for Trump
    Mike Johnson says the Senate’s forthcoming immigration deal will be “dead on arrival” as the former president seeks to keep a key campaign issue alive ahead of the November election
    #35     Jan 31, 2024
  6. gwb-trading


    Mike Johnson needs the Senate to not pass the Immigration Bill. Otherwise, he's going to have no choice but to make it abundantly clear that House Republicans don't actually don't give a f@ck about the border, they only care about Trump.

    Mike Johnson Is Praying the Senate Doesn’t Pass the Immigration Bill
    If the House has to take it up, the speaker will face unholy amounts of political pressure.
    #36     Jan 31, 2024
  7. gwb-trading


    Let's take a look at the typical member of the MAGA Convoy going to the border to kill immigrants.

    Trucker Rally Turns Into January Sixer Worship Wagon
    Remember the guy who brought a samurai sword to a Philly vote-counting site? Yeah, he’s with the truckers.

    Three years ago, Joshua Macias was facing prison time in Pennsylvania for bringing an AR-15 and a samurai sword to a Philly vote-counting site in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 election. This week, he was whipping up the crowd of a MAGA convoy that’s heading to the U.S.-Mexico border for a “peaceful” protest against the influx of migrants.

    Standing in the bed of a pickup truck emblazoned with “We The People” on Tuesday, Macias told the group: “My name is Joshua, and I am one of the J6ers.”

    “I was thrown in the Philly gulag for 21 days for asking if every vote was being counted,” Macias said. “That was just a simple question.” He then focused on the more than 70 military vets charged with storming the U.S. Capitol, calling them “hostages.”

    “Yes, we are taking our border back. We also want to take our country back,” said Macias, who was acquitted of election interference but in 2023 sentenced to two years of probation on weapons charges.

    Macias’s remarks arrived when the “Take Our Border Back” convoy—which invites “law abiding, freedom-loving Americans” to join them in border towns—stopped at an Alabama parking lot to pray, add more disciples, and speak to local TV reporters.

    A former Navy officer and co-founder of Veterans for Trump, Macias was arrested after he and a QAnon conspiracy theorist drove a Hummer with guns and ammunition from Virginia to Philadelphia. The men were also at the Capitol on Jan. 6, though Macias says he never entered the building during the riots.

    Since the convoy took off Monday, participants have focused as much on Jan. 6 as they have on the border crisis. In his footage, one trucker-livestreamer referred to as “MasterGrifter” displayed a homemade “‘Free’ our J6 hero’s P.O.W.’s In D.C.” poster. He also wore a T-shirt with an image of Rosanne Boyland, who was trampled by a mob during the insurrection, with the words: “Murdered by Capitol Police.”

    The fleet’s Telegram and Zello channels are filled with fear and paranoia that the protest, set to culminate just outside Eagle Pass, Texas—where Gov. Greg Abbott is in a standoff with the federal government—could become “another J6 trap.” Many of them join the quarter of Americans who believe the conspiracy theory that the FBI instigated Jan. 6.

    After Macias led a prayer, a woman joined him on the truck. “This gentleman is a J6er. He is a hero,” she said. “But I’m here to tell you there are over 1,200 Patriots locked up.” The streamer, who goes by “SapphirePatriot” online, shared that she’s part of a D.C. vigil with the mother of Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot by a police officer after she tried climbing through a broken door in the House Speaker’s Lobby.

    (More about this idiot at the above url)
    #37     Feb 2, 2024
  8. Cuddles


    cut from the same cloth as that Walmart/El Paso terrorist.
    #38     Feb 2, 2024
  9. gwb-trading


    #39     Feb 3, 2024
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  10. gwb-trading


    Let's catch up with the latest regarding the MAGA Convoy promising to execute all the immigrants at the border.

    Convoy of Trump supporters demands control of the US border with Mexico
    The confrontation between the Texas government and the Biden administration over the management of irregular immigration has mobilized the most extreme conservatives
    #40     Feb 4, 2024