From $60K to $600K

Discussion in 'Journals' started by destriero, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. destriero


    Decent day with such a small allocation. $90 gain on open stuff. $600 gained open + closed.

    #81     Jun 24, 2019
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  2. destriero


    Up $2.5K from inception. Just hit $417K on YTD PNL.

    Local fly (long) in SPX and same in TSLA.

    #82     Jun 25, 2019
    dsch11 likes this.
  3. destriero


    Out of the four lot in TSLA. Deliveries due this weekend/next week. Be cautious in the ticker.Broke $417K YTD. Up 4.5%. 1.5x risk.

    #83     Jun 25, 2019
    dsch11 likes this.
  4. destriero


    One TSLA wide bull 132C fly (synthetic) and there is open PNL as I buy one share of a few large caps to keep them on my monitor screen when I am trading from the phone. Also a small 10-wide arb.

    Goal is to be up $3K (5%) by week's end.

    #84     Jun 25, 2019
    Tony Stark and dsch11 like this.
  5. destriero


    The entire account is in an arb. I will update PNL when it goes off on Friday. Obviously no other positions being held. :)
    #85     Jun 26, 2019
  6. destriero


    Gain should be for $3,500 depending on what microstructure looks like at the close on Friday.
    #86     Jun 26, 2019
    dsch11 likes this.
  7. destriero


    om nom nom.

    #87     Jun 26, 2019
  8. destriero


    Tripped on a bumper plate at one end of the oly bar and landed on the bumper plate on the other end of the bar. Was leaving tomorrow but canceled plans. Three hours waiting for the surgeon. He was good. He says nearly a pint of blood in my hair and clothes. 12 stitches. Nurse got sick.

    #88     Jun 26, 2019
    OptionObsession and nooby_mcnoob like this.
  9. NQurious


    Ugh ... I had the same cut and stitch placement in the right eyebrow when I was eleven. A bunch of buddies and I were skipping stones on a lake. One of my buddies didn't really know what he was doing. Missed the lake by a country mile and caught me right above the eye. Amazing how much blood comes out of there for sure.
    #89     Jun 26, 2019
    Overnight and destriero like this.
  10. yc47ib


    Take it easy
    #90     Jun 26, 2019
    igr, d08 and destriero like this.