FRuiTY explains the world to you

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FRuiTY PeBBLe, May 28, 2003.

  1. fruity started this thread for a reason :D
    #11     May 28, 2003

  2. Very good point. Now, what was Fruity's purpose? Was it to change history by starting a chain of events? Or just to get some attention?

    Either way, was it always "fate" that dictated his making the opening post? Was it my "fate" to make this response?

    As "The Oracle" said in the Matrix movie, "you have already made the choice"....(or something to that effect).

    So, I think Fruity's point is not so much about "cause and effect", but really about whether "fate" is pre-determined. Does the future exist? We know about the past and present for sure. Theoretically, the future does exist. But of course, this is in theory only. Tough one to prove, but again, not impossible to prove. At least not in theory:confused:

    As for things happening for a "purpose", for me, this is not logical. But that may just be because I have a personal bias regarding this issue. My wife died when my son was 10 years old. I see no purpose. But then, maybe it changed him in a way that will affect everything for the better. Maybe the ultimate effect can be that he will find the cure for the cancer that killed his mother. Who knows? Anything is possible.

    As for "God Bless America"...hell, it's only a song. It is the context of the words that determine if they are "offensive" (as in God Bless America, let's go kill some people we don't like), or conversely, there is nothing wrong with saying it if the meaning is that America has been a place that welcomed millions of immigrants with the sentiment: "Give me your tired your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    There is something to say for that concept. And believing in God (personally I do not) really has nothing to do with it . To me, it's just an expression.

    #12     May 28, 2003

  3. Fruity, your thread about old women told me right there that you are too young to know what you are talking about. No, that is not a slam, it is a simple truism. Live another 15 years or so, ( God willing), and then post this thread again.
    #13     May 28, 2003
  4. before you guys start thinking you've stumped me....

    SOME things happen for a reason. (could i list reasons why i started this thread? yes.)

    not EVERYTHING happens for a reason. (is there some god controlled purpose for why i might die in a chaotic induced car crash some day? no.)

    everything has an explanation. (if i die in a car crash, to some extent you could go back over the chain of events that led up to it.)

    you may not be capable of completely figuring out the explanation. (if u were to examine the chain of events that led up to the car accident, fully, you'd see the amount of circumstances are just incredible. you probably couldn't even do it.)
    #14     May 28, 2003
  5. rofl.. true, i may be too young to understand liking old women. you got me there. but that doesn't mean i can't make good arguments for other subjects. i probably make better arguments than most people 3x my age.

    p.s. and no, if i live another 15 years, it will not be god willing! :mad: :p
    #15     May 28, 2003
  6. Many famous people cited as authorities in philosophy, science, arts, politics died much younger. Did they know what they were talking about then?

    I believe Alexander The Pretty-Good died at age 31. And Jesus at 33. Mozart 35. Well, Mozart was a poof.
    #16     May 28, 2003
  7. if everything has an explanation, then everything has a reason.
    #17     May 28, 2003
  8. just because we don't know what the explanation is doesn't mean that there isn't one.
    #18     May 28, 2003
  9. just because an explanation is offered by a religion doesn't mean its wrong.
    #19     May 28, 2003
  10. everything happens because of thermodynamics...

    end of story.
    #20     May 28, 2003