GameStop (GME) to be added to the S&P 500

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by fan27, Jan 26, 2021.

  1. fan27


    NY, NY - In a surprise move today, S&P Global announced that GameStop (GME) would be added to the S&P 500 index. When asked how could GameStop meet the criteria for being added to an index containing the largest US companies, Paul Dicks said "Look, we are trying to get ahead of the curve here. With the explosive growth of the stock price and solid support from the Reddit community, it is only a matter of time until the stock exceeds the capitalization of a good number of the stocks listed in the S&P 500". When Gabriel Plotkin of Melvin Capital who is heavily short the stock was asked to comment on the news, he said "F&#K Off, I just another margin call today asshole!".
    They, Laissez Faire, virtusa and 13 others like this.


    lol, and here i thought gamestop was destined for doom along with the malls.

    silly me.
    fan27 likes this.
  3. Imagine that...I would be pissed if I was that guy
    fan27 likes this.
  4. maxinger


    Price is going up exponentially.

    Time for GME traders to change Y-axis linear scale to log scale.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2021
    Dicer and JSOP like this.
  5. cesfx


    That a social media group made of millenials can pump a stock, it's not a big deal... but when they can influence the sp500 entry by modifying the market cap of a company worth bn's... I need to start hanging out on reddit!
    You are only old when you stop accepting changes.
    luisHK likes this.
  6. VicBee


    These guys are the market's revolutionaries. Pulling their resources to fk with the big hedge funds is genius!
    It's not going to end well...
  7. themickey


    Proud Boys!
  8. Haha, those banded retails who never got an interview at any fund are now killing the big boys..gotta love it and watching it from the sideline
    Nobert, levanyashin and JSOP like this.
  9. JSOP


    Until Reddit shuts them down that is, for inciting violence against the hedge funds' rear end. :D
    themickey and fan27 like this.
  10. KCalhoun


    just fucking wow... gapped to $360 wtf : o

    #10     Jan 27, 2021
    Nobert, fan27 and Pekelo like this.