Gut or TA

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by jasrlew, Jul 16, 2003.

  1. I am one of those systematic discretionary traders... I get a bunch of signals and my gut (aka experience) tells me which ones to take... if I didnt filter out any of the signals using gut, then I would be rightly classified as a systems trader instead of a discretionary trader... in my opinion, anyone who doesnt take all of their signals is a discretionary trader...
    #21     Jul 17, 2003
  2. weld1


    i would have to consider dbphoenix one of the most insightful individuals around..... wish i had left my chair and done that several times,. can't imagine how much money i would have saved!!!
    #22     Jul 17, 2003
  3. for a phone clerk job in the PTJ order room

    and also was interviewed by RD

    too bad I never fully learned the turtle rules

    or ACD by fisher but I am trying to catch up now

    as the book is out and the rules are out too

    I am still confused by the momentum analysis

    is it like the speedometer approach I once saw

    in a traders website who showed the SPOOS

    in a dial like a fighter pilots or speedometer dial?
    #23     Jul 17, 2003
  4. is that the same thing as what Granville meant by it?

    does it work intraday and is it like market profile?
    #24     Jul 17, 2003
  5. weld1


    i have to make a correction. mr. gnome has to be one of the more enlightened individuals i've ran across in a long time! i will leave my chair at once the next time.:)
    #25     Jul 17, 2003
  6. jai,

    thank you for the explanation and compliment. yes, i have been trading since 1990, see my masters interview on or my site under "dave's wave" tab. your posts really add to the quality of this site, thanks !!!


    #26     Jul 17, 2003


    There are some "phrases and buzzwords" that only decade-old traders I have run in circles with will know and remember. Congrats again, you've earned your stripes. I'll continue posting replies on subjects of depth and meaning. "If you want knowledge and success, you give it." Many have taught me many things over the years, and I enjoy giving back. Im glad you appreciate my posts here, hope they benefit many.

    It's 9:28am here, "surf's up"... :p
    #27     Jul 17, 2003
  8. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    TA gives me the idea.
    My gut clicks the mouse.

    It is THINKING that gets me in trouble.:D
    #28     Jul 17, 2003
  9. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    gutsy T/A :cool:
    #29     Jul 17, 2003
  10. Interesting. My gut has made me money/saved me money more often that not. Just yesterday I bought the SPY at 99.45 waiting for big blue to report. At around 4.20 my gut told me to take profits at 99.86...looked at the chart and the TA said "UpUpandAwayweGo".....sold the SPY....IBM reported....They sold everything aftermkt. Whats works for some will kill others I suppose.
    #30     Jul 17, 2003