Any culture that idolizes Jerry Lewis films is not to be feared, but pitied. I hope the EU does become a robust market economy. Then maybe the US citizens will get a break from having to carry the burden of the world economy. It'd be nice to net export to the EU instead of importing all the time. In 2000, the EU thought it would lead the world's growth. With 20%+ unemployment in Spain, the EU should be much more concerned about the internal stability of its members. As for IB, they should, (and probably will), fix any loopholes that allow thoughtless traders to abuse their systems. Hopefully, you've learned the lesson of not abusing margin requirements. Trade within your means and you wouldn't have had anything to complain about in the first place.
This one was so good it was worth posting twice! Hey Mike-claire, I'll bet the next time someone comes to invade your sorry a$$es you will be singing a different tune.
TraderJim- glad you liked it. here's another: What did the Mayor of Paris say to the German Army as they entered during WWII? "Table for One Hundred Thousand?".
Come on now.. its time to be fair! Mike is not even french he is italian, he has pointed this out now several times and all people do is carry on poking fun at the frenchies.. its about time the italians had a turn! They gave us lots to be thankful for remember.. plumbing, lead poisoning, excellent aqueducts, very straight roads also, garlic, pizza, spaghetti, mussolini, very bad television, opera and huge opera singers.. I could go on.. I like italy anyway, they really know how to eat and drink well and thats what counts. Neil
french or italian, you have to admit mike-claire is very well balanced, he has a chip on both shoulders!
LOL Yes that is true.. I wonder if he is regretting starting this thread by now? He could just ignore it of course.. but thats not possible is it.. it will keep drawing him back like a morbid fascination.. or just one more cigarette.. Anyway, I am grateful to him as this thread is helping me no end with my ambition to become a senior trader here one fine day! Neil
Rather than post a few good ones, here's a link full of them:
uptick - Love it Neil, didn't read closely enough. In fairness then, I will do my best to poke some fun at the Italians too. Here's what I found on the web: YOU KNOW YOU'RE ITALIAN WHEN... - You're 5'4", can bench press 325 pounds, shave twice a day, but you still cry when your mother yells at you. - Your father owns 5 houses, has $300,000 in the bank, but still drives a 76 Monte Carlo. - You share a bathroom with your 5 brothers, have no money, but drive a $45,000 Camaro or Firebird. - Your mechanic, plumber, electrician, accountant and travel agent are all blood relatives. - You consider dunking a cannoli in an espresso a nutritious breakfast. - Your 2 best friends are your cousin and your brother-in-law's brother-in-law. - You are a card-carrying V.I.P at more than 3 strip clubs. - Despite the hair on your back, you still try to impress the ladies by wearing your "Just do me" tank top to the beach. - At least 5 of your cousins live on your street. - All 5 of those cousins are named after your grandfather. - A high school diploma and 1 year of Nassau Community College has earned you the title of "professor" among your aunts. - You are on a first name basis with at least 8 banquet hall owners. - If someone in your family grows beyond 5'6", it is presumed his mother had an affair. - There were more than 28 people in your bridal party. - You netted more than $50,000 on your first communion. - At some point in your life, you were a D.J - 30 years after immigrating, your parents still say "Pronto" when answering the phone. - You have ever been in a fight defending Sly Stallone's thespian greatness. - Somewhere on your parents' property, there is a bathtub Madonna. - You build your house with 3 materials.... brick, brick and wrought iron. - You have at least one sister that went to Beauty School. - Clothes from the Chess King will actually fit you. - It is impossible for you to talk with your hands in your pockets. - Have been to a funeral where talk of the deceased is, "He shoulda kept his big yap shut." Here's one I added: -You try to skirt US SEC and margin laws and get pissed when IB catches you!
Mike-claire (how many italians you know named mike-claire) registers yesterday, posts some gripe over an obvious error, is fuzzy on the specifics, spends the rest of the time making inflammatory comments? Did someone say t r o l l or did I miss that part of the thread?