Heavy Hitters in Pro Firms

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by Stock_Lover, Jun 21, 2002.

  1. How are the trainers in NY?

    #21     Aug 29, 2002
  2. NDQnCA

    NDQnCA Guest

    where is lynx capital in san diego? what area? thanks....
    #22     Aug 29, 2002
  3. ronb107


    Lynx took over the Echo office in San Diego. I don't know exactly where it's located.

    Perhaps rtharp can respond to this.

    I'm located in the NY office, and the training is excellent.

    #23     Aug 29, 2002

  4. I don't think that is written in stone that anyone who trains with a superstar trader is guaranteed the same level of success...After all many of the Market Wizards "apprenticed" novice traders and the "survivorship bias" is the result of a small percentage of the traders who did grasp the concepts going onto fame and fortune...No one ever writes about the guys that worked for Dennis or Trout or Tudor Jones, etc, etc who simply could not handle that kind of size...
    #24     Aug 29, 2002
  5. InyOutty


    Heeeee haw. Who let the dogs in!!!!!

    I wish I could say this is suprising. Echo has always been a Bright wanna-be from the get go. (Although I don't know why anyone would want to be). The problem is that Echo offers nothing you can't get at any other BD on the block. What they should do is beg Bob Bright to buy them out before they lose ALL their offices. ;)

    P.S. RTharp...you change colors like a chameleon eh pal?
    #25     Aug 29, 2002
  6. Perhaps you meant they took over the physical office inasmuch as ECHOtrade is moving to the former Van Burien.

    I trade remote now, so I am not sure, but this is what I heard.
    #26     Aug 29, 2002
  7. Pound


    What bad experience did you have at echo?
    #27     Aug 29, 2002
  8. ronb107


    Yes, the physical office.

    Echo and Van Buren have merged, although I am not privy to the impact on the traders within the old Echo office (that is, whether they moved to a new location, went remote, or defected).

    #28     Aug 29, 2002
  9. mrktwiz


    ...rTharpe is still with Echo? rTharpe if your out their you helped me anser some questions about Echo Trading, and I jsut hearfd from another trader friend that your no longer with Echo?

    Can you tell us if it has anything to do with the Echo taking over Andover offices or is it other issues/ was I told an "untruth" lol

    Really I hope your still around and with Echo!

    Good trading all!

    #29     Aug 30, 2002
  10. Rtharp and I are no longer affiliated with Echotrade.

    We now trade with Lynx Capital Partners, LLC.

    We can both be reached at 619-325-8400.

    We are still located in the same physical office location as before, there is just a new sign on the door.

    Hope that clears it up.

    Good Trading!

    #30     Sep 13, 2002