How will you react when Trump/GOP scraps the investigation?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. Cuddles


    Am I in the Matrix?

    Kavanaugh hearing: Supreme Court nominee won’t commit to removing himself from cases directly affecting Trump
    #31     Sep 5, 2018
  2. Cuddles


    Rosenstein's replacement:

    #32     Sep 24, 2018
  3. WeToddDid2


    How will you react when most people associated with the attempted overthrow of a duly elected President are arrested?
    #33     Sep 24, 2018
    Poindexter likes this.
  4. exGOPer


    'Duly' elected is the very question being investigated and given that his campaign manager plead guilty to conspiring against the country, why are you so sure it was 'duly'.
    #34     Sep 24, 2018
  5. WeToddDid2


    Perhaps in 15 to 20 years Mueller will find evidence of something on Trump.

    One day!

    Just get your popcorn ready for when Kavenaugh seated.
    #35     Sep 24, 2018
  6. exGOPer


    Sure buddy, you relax, Mueller got nothing on Trump and the anti-establishment anti-elite Bush crony replacing Kennedy is the end of the line for the Supreme Court, I am sure him expanding federal powers and giving more powers to people who fuck you over everyday is gonna work out just great. Trump University Rocks.
    #36     Sep 24, 2018
  7. Cuddles


    Trump's lawyer calls for 'a time out' in Mueller probe if Rosenstein leaves post

    As speculation about Rod Rosentstein’s possibly imminent departure from the Justice Department reached a fever pitch on Monday, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney called for a pause in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe should the deputy attorney general leave his post.

    Speaking Monday on his radio program, Jay Sekulow called for a “a time out on this inquiry,” referring to Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling during the 2016 campaign, adding that “it clearly becomes necessary and appropriate... that there be a step back taken here, and a review - and I think it’s a review that has to be thorough and complete” if Rosenstein is dismissed or resigns.
    #37     Sep 24, 2018
  8. piezoe


    If you'll settle for "something," He (mueller) already has. Trump's co-conspirator has already plead guilty. (It is a felony charge) Trump himself will have to wait until he's out of office (Coming soon, right after the "establishment" has no more use for him) to be indicted (probably) And then there is the illegality of his phoney "Foundation". (He's losing that civil case right now.*) Then rest assured Mueller has him on money laundering and tax evasion. He's just waiting. He can pass that on to New York, if he hasn't already. (Trump is powerless to stop it) So the only thing left is in what way did his campaign directly aid the Russian Hackers, if any. (information passed or money?) Meuller's having tea in Manafort's jail cell as I write this. :D (Pence is stupid enough to pardon Trump, but ambitious and selfish enough that he might not. Trump is crapping in his pants right now, he is so nervous. Have you noticed how he is making a real effort to stick with the script someone has written for him. Trying to appear "presidential" and stop acting like a jackass leading up to the mid-term. You know why? It's because Jared told him if he didn't stop acting like a jerk they "weren't going to last in Washington". Ever since then he's been on a very tight rein. )

    Have you noticed Trump isn't orange anymore? He's white as a sheet of paper. Well there is a reason.
    *Barbara Underwood is mean as a rattle snake, and shes got her fangs in him.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2018
    #38     Sep 25, 2018
  9. Buy1Sell2


    Co-conspirator??? Really??? The Left are now completely off their rockers.
    #39     Sep 25, 2018
  10. piezoe


    Have you ever heard that good advice: Better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. That would be good advice for you.
    #40     Sep 25, 2018