Hundreds of whales dead after mass stranding in New Zealand

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by vanzandt, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. vanzandt


  2. A protest against all the billionaire survivalists flocking there?
  3. Zodiac4u


    The research is out there, Start with the fukushima nuclear disaster. The main street media has provided almost zero coverage. The US west coast is experiencing mass die-offs of starfish and shellfish. The starfish are melting and the shellfish have a virus type of cancer. Dec 2016 was estimated that the west coast would start seeing radiation levels in there coastal waters. Presently the radiation levels are low but the currents are slow and this is just the beginning. You can thank GE, they own it.
  4. vanzandt


    Devil's advocate here...but wouldn't that show up in their fatty tissue? If it was some kind of radiation poisoning? I'm no marine biologist. (insert Costanza pic)

    Its very strange though, allegedly they are quite intelligent. This was a week after Trump announced he was running...
    Who knows.
  5. Zodiac4u


    All good buddy, yes it should especially when you have conclusive evidence that the water has tested positive for radiation that has come from the disaster. The shellfish have a leukemia based cancer that is turning them into sludge. So let me ask you, if they filter feed masses amounts of even low radiation level water, do you think it would have an affect on them? like I said the media has placed a dark blanket over these incidents. Plus the FDA has turned down any requests to test the fish off the west coast.
  6. Seriously, I think the maximum number willing to die for Trump would be just a few, not hundreds!
  7. vanzandt


    Or the hills of Saipan in 1944.
  8. AGW!!!

    Year 1918!!!

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  9. Zodiac4u


  10. No, not there again!

    This time in year 201X could be limited to just South Sea! Or North Korea!
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
    #10     Feb 10, 2017