I just need a dma broker that allow trade OTC stocks at any price. Why is so hard do find ?

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by wic2021californiaxp, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. IB refuse send a limit order if is 3% away from last price, so is impossible trade most OTC stocks with IB.

    Ameritrade, etrade or schwab not impose any limit but not provide direct market access, they sell costumer orders for market makers like NITE and execution is very slow
  2. rb7


    DMA for OTC?
    MoreLeverage likes this.
  3. Yes, there is some ecn routes to OTC markets stocks like OTCX.
  4. OTC markets is a USA alternative stock exchange like nasdaq or nyse. But most companies are small
  5. rb7


    I'm not an expert on OTC, but I always thought that it was stocks traded NOT on a stock exchange (Over The Counter, or pink sheet is what they used to call it on trading floors).
  6. Overnight


    That's what I remember as well...

    luckyfnlou and rb7 like this.
  7. otctrade


    It's too expensive and there isn't that much money in it for brokers, hence why they don't really offer it.
    ajacobson likes this.