IB Data Breakdowns during fast moving market news like OPEC Today

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by BlueStreek, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Anybody else experience this where price quotes on tws just start freezing and booktrader cant keep up with the moves and just starts flashing along with the data quotes in big chuncks like a cl futures curve all just flashing as a block instead of staying up with the fast movement?
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I have CME Direct on my desktop and it was fine.
  3. comagnum


    IB does not have one of the better data feeds.
  4. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor


    How do you know that? I'm not saying IB's futures feed is better or worse than anyone else's, but how do you know theirs is "one of the best"? With futures, the "best" is a direct feed at the CME co-lo facility. That would have the lowest latency and not have to be feed through a retail brokers pipes.
  5. comagnum


    I think you misread my post - I implied that IBs data feed is not very good.
  6. I am referring an issue that has cropped up recently (2016ish) in that IB may have changed something about their data, I saw a thread that another trader touched on the issue a while back noticing the same issue, trying to figure if this is my demand specific issue or something IB is doing different, couldn`t find the thread in search as it wasn`t a 50 page thread.
  7. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    oops. my bad.
  8. comagnum


    I still don't get why so many use IB. I have 5 on-line brokers and IB is my least favorite. The charting + data feed are barely even usable, you have to add a third party platform vendor which is a pain and makes it an expensive and cumbersome broker to use.
  9. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    5? What benefit do you get from 5?
  10. comagnum


    5? What benefit do you get from 5?

    Yea 5 is kind of wacky. The idea at the time was to spread out the capital so it is all covered by the FDIC, they have raised it since so I could now reduce to 2-3 accounts.
    #10     Sep 28, 2016