SWINGTRADER, would it be kindly possible for you to post the script you are using ? Obviously you remove your loggin and password... lol. For those who are not profficien tin programing like me... ! Thank you !
Here is the script. It will launch TWS (had to use a batch file do to the long command line required to launch Java. The batch file is listed below). Then it will wait 4 seconds for TWS to load. If the script does not see the Logon screen, it will try again after waiting for another second (maximum tries is set to 10). You should replace the USERID and PASSWORD, in the Send() command with your real userid and password. AUTOIT SCRIPT ------------------- Opt("WinWaitDelay",100) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) Opt("WinDetectHiddenText",1) Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) If Not WinExists("Universal Account") Then Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & "c:\jts\run.bat", "c:\jts" ,@SW_HIDE ) Sleep(4000) for $__n1_ = 1 to 10 WinWait("New Login","") If Not WinActive("New Login","") Then WinActivate("New Login","") WinWaitActive("New Login","") Sleep ( 1000 ) next Send("USERID{TAB}PASSWORD{ENTER}") EndIf Sleep(5000) for $__n1_ = 1 to 20 Sleep(1000) If WinExists("Universal Account") Then WinMinimizeAll() Exit EndIf Sleep ( 1000 ) next Exit RUN.BAT ---------- c: cd \jts javaw.exe -cp jts.jar;jcommon-0.9.0.jar;jfreechart-0.9.15.jar -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true jclient/LoginFrame C:\Jts
I wouln't do that. You can very easily get all MAC addresses from ARP tables on any other machine on a LAN.