If Russia invades Ukraine and China invades Taiwan simultaneously how would the US react?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by zdreg, Jan 21, 2022.

  1. zdreg


    How would Biden react?
  2. ipatent


    The odds are low.
  3. zdreg


    Why? China is probably prepared to invade Taiwan. A russian invasion would give china cover for their own actions.

    What would Biden do?
  4. ipatent


    Biden would stop at sanctions.
  5. Ricter


    I'd bet Biden would not congratulate and compliment them on being strong. Nor would he toss the citizens of Ukraine or Taiwan paper towels in a photo op.
  6. easymon1


    If Russia invades Ukraine and China invades Taiwan simultaneously how would the US react?

    What would Biden do? Whatever he's told.

    ... and then he'd ramp up the Jan 6 thingy.

    We got the wrong Biden at the helm.

    We need the other one.

    biden 741 hunter.jpg
  7. Cuddles


    America fought an Atlantic & Pacific front at the same time before w/o much starting foothold on either; ask how that went for the other sides.
  8. easymon1


    How did that go for the other sides?
  9. easymon1


    How'd it go for Viet Nam?
    How'd it go for Afghanistan?
    Here's your rifle. Here's your parachute. Bye!
  10. zdreg


    You are talking about a war that took place eighty years ago. There is no between then and now. comparison .
    #10     Jan 21, 2022