I have run reclaimed vegatable oil (desiel) in my boat. It's pretty funny as it smells like french fries which is a hell of a lot better than regular desiel. They stopped selling it at the fuel dock where I got it, don't know what's up with that. Oil is going to have wicked volatility for a long time simply because it is "in play". There are over 200 hedge funds alone that specialize in energies. Hot money will rule the game for a long time capitalizing on the status quo/ news driven events and exacerbating the moves.
You must using the oil from the restaurants etc. which is fine but that is free because they have to pay to dispose it so why not give to someone who will burn off for much less environmental emissions. You can also buy fresh from the oil mills if the smell of fries is too unbearable. The only drawback on vegetable oil is that it can be hard on the engine but technologies are upto it, using additives and other fluids one can attain similar smoothness. Hedge Funds, can someone tell me how much is the average returns of hedge funds annually. I do not know if it is more than 2% than the average buy and hold Mutual Fund. If a person who travels even 15 miles to work can convert to vegetable or other alternative sources which cost even half of the gasoline, then savings would be substaintial and guess what goodies will it provide to the American economy.
Ya, it was reclaimed from restaraunts and refined into desiel , no difference to the engine from normal desiel, even looked like it as there are laws about the colors of fuels in most states. Hegde funds in general are not the point here but those specialising in only energies per their charters which are not on the same page as hedgies in general that may be stalking oil for the moment.